
  • Injured Ankle

    Modern AU. Riku, Roxas and Sora go skateboarding on a beautiful Summer day and are having fun. But Riku ends up injuring his ankle and wants to keep it a secret from his father.

  • Making Cookies

    Modern AU One-shot Valka and four year old Hiccup make cookies together one afternoon.

  • Cal's Prank

    Cal decides to play a prank on his older brother Niko. What is the prank and how will it end?

  • Castiel has the Flu

    AU Castiel wakes up one morning sick with a fever and has to stay home from school.

  • Rest

    Set after Lords of Shadow 2. Alucard is tired after the events of LoS2 and is told by his father to go take a nap. Now a two-shot

  • Jonathan Snape

    After the passing of his mother, Jonathan moved in with his father, Severus Snape, at Hogwarts. Here, he meets Harry Potter and his friends. Set in fifth year.

  • Christmas Tree Shopping

    AU One-shot, maybe a Two-shot. Hiccup and Astrid go out tree shopping with Hiccup's parents.

  • Snowball Fight

    AU one-shot. First day of winter break and there is snow on the ground. Hiccup and his friends go out and play in the snow but it soon turns into a snowball fight.

  • A Christmas with the Haddocks

    AU A Christmas celebration at the Haddock house. Family bonding.

  • Hiccup Has a Fever

    Hiccup wakes up with a fever one morning and has to stay in bed.

  • He'll be Alright

    Haytham receives a message saying that Connor is injured and in the hospital and rushes over. What he finds breaks his heart.

  • Stubborn Boy

    During soccer practice, Connor manages to injure his ankle. So, until its healed, Connor can't play his favorite sport.

  • Haytham is Sick

    Sequel to Connor has a Fever. A week after Connor gets better, Haytham comes down with Connor's flu. How will this end?