Sandwitch II

  • Eliza's in the Locket

    Eliza Fortescue, Head Girl; Year: 1945; Affiliation: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry; Status: missing, presumed dead {Content Warning For Later Chapters.}

  • Behind the Scenes

    Chapter Three, Suddenly Everyone's an Alchemist: "Ah, you must be one of those Ravenpaws Dippet was telling me about hmmm," the warlock muttered. {this fic has thus far featured: Percy, Penelope, Harry, Ginny, Albus Dumbledore, and Nicholas Flamel}

  • The Trouble with Alchemy

    Cho receives a dubious offer from Malfoy. ::Read further for thrilling Slytherclaw shenanigans:: {Chapter 21, When In Doubt: "I caught the snitch," she replied breathlessly. Cho opened her clutched hand to reveal the tiny winged ball, fluttering in protest at the rough treatment. "And I caught you, I think we're even."} *formerly Unlikely Journey*