
  • Reprise

    /rəˈprēz/ In music, the recurrence of the same melodic refrain at a later point in the piece. - Noctis could only rely on himself to help Prompto out of this situation. At least, that's what he was going to tell himself and anyone who asked him why he would do something so godsdamned stupid. /M for violence, language, extra-judicial execution, cosmic horror - y'know, the fun stuff.

  • Dal Segno

    /ˌdäl ˈsānyō/ Italian, 'from the sign'. In music, often a sign indicating that a musician should play from the marked area to an end of some sort. - The thing was, Noctis had actually been having a pretty alright day before the whole kidnapping fiasco. /M for Language.

  • Electric Like Eva

    In the corner of the backyard, near the fence, sitting obtrusively in Eva's garden, was a huge, blue and white armored beetle with no rider in its saddle. The realization made Eva drop her gun. "What the hell - G'dar!" OR Post-race, Eva doesn't see Aikka for a long time. A very long time. Then, when she least expects it, she finds a visitor in her backyard. /M for Language

  • Mad Matter

    Every once in a while, history leeches into the air and into the people, and if you listen hard enough sometimes you can hear it. What the history tells Harry about Draco Malfoy makes him listen harder. [Ambient magic, spellcasting, Cafe AU, Epilogue Noncompliant]

  • Rose's Thorn

    SET FOR TAKE DOWN ON JULY 1. Save it if you love it, PM me if you have any questions. Bibliophobia962 will be adopting this story, so post July 1 please direct all queries to them.