
  • Finding A Way To Her Broken Heart

    Elsa and Anna were sisters. They were so close until a tragic fire. Their parents killed, the sisters are sent to an orphanage. Soon after entering the orphanage, Elsa is adopted, and Anna is left alone. Many years later, Elsa gets a letter from the orphanage that Anna is eighteen and is being released from their care. Will Elsa be able to fix the broken heart of Anna, her sister?

  • A Long Way From Home

    Elsa has learned to control her powers and was getting ready for her coronation. That is, until a man ruins her life by taking her and her family's memories away. A guard takes Elsa to his home to keep her safe from the man. After she escapes, the man steals the kingdom's memories, taking the throne for himself. After she learns the truth, Elsa must save her family and her kingdom.

  • You're Supposed To Be My Sister

    I gasp as I see Elsa after so many years of being shut out. She certainly did change. Not only in appearance but in personality, too. This isn't the same Elsa I remember from growing up. (Told From Anna's Pov. This story is set during the coronation)

  • My Hero

    Hey, my name is Hiro. You know, handsome, typical fourteen year old genius. You see that guy in the photo? Yeah, that's my big brother, and he is my hero. His name is Tadashi. All of my life, he has been telling me how I can help people. Well, it's time I started taking his advice.

  • A Princess's Best Friend

    What happens when a lonely princess and a stray, energetic puppy meet, both wanting a friend and home? A lot of crazy adventures are definitely in store for these two. (Based on a true story)

  • My Little Summer Princess

    The King didn't spend all his time ruling the kingdom. He had to have spent time with his daughter. These are some of the times the King spent with his summer princess, Anna. (Series of One-Shots)

  • A Lost Cause

    Anna looks at him, "What is a lost cause to you?" He grins before looking out at the fjord. Tossing a rock into the water, the boy looks at her. "When the rest of the world shuns you for being the extra, and you believe them, that's when you really are a lost cause," he says. "Am I?" she asks. "That depends, do you think you are?"

  • When Two Worlds Collide

    Riley Matthews was your ordinary thirteen year old girl. She had good grades, a stable and loving family, and two best friends: Farkle and Lucas. It seemed as if everything was going her way. Maya Hart, however, was the exact opposite. Maya had D average grades, half a mom, and lived in a rough part of New York. Although in two different worlds, somehow they collide.

  • Everyone Needs A Warm Hug

    (Cover By The Queen Of Oxymorons) Oh, hi! My name is Anna! If you haven't already guessed, I am super hyper. Sorry if that annoys you. Anyways I guess I should tell you a little about me. See that little redhead next to that platinum blonde girl? Yeah, that's me. That blonde is my sister. We have been through a lot, and I thought I could tell you guys our story. Now where to start?

  • Too Shy

    "Hey wait!" I call out to the girl. She continues running away from me, platinum blonde braid flying behind her, until she is out of my sight. I look at the ground, remembering the day I first saw those icy blue eyes.

  • The Sky's Awake!

    We all know how goofy and awkward Anna is. We also know Anna doesn't sleep when the sky is awake! She bothers her sister instead! So... what happens when Anna forces Elsa into crazy adventures? Read and find out for yourself! (One-Shot Series)

  • Three Words

    It's been weeks since I've last seen her. She left me. I always wondered if it was something I said. Was it mamma? I know things are bad at the house, but without her, I feel... empty. Three words could've made my sister stay. Now all I can do is wait for her to come home. My name is Anna Frossen, and this is my story.