
  • Catch Me, I Think I'm Falling

    After getting Steph to Matt's, Rachel allowed the events of the afternoon to catch up with her and she knew that it was her fault that Maxine was dead. She had been stupid enough to believe that she could turn around Earl Kelly. Some people just didn't want to change. But was running to Eddie the answer or should she have done what she always did and made the decision by herself?

  • In The Summertime

    There was a plan. And things were going better than Rachel had expected. Especially when it was Eddie who said that he was ready for the next step without her having to ask. And when she was planning for the step after that as well.

  • Same Love

    Jane and Sally would always have things that they would do differently. But neither of them would have swapped the night that they met for the world. Because their love was like any others and on the bad days, that is what gets them through it. (Part of Count On Me and Next To Me.)

  • To All The People I Knew

    There had been many people that Rachel had met on her journey before she met with Eddie again. And they all shaped her in one way or another. Meeting four of them again wouldn't be easy. One who helped her. Two who hindered her. And the one she had hoped to help. Part of Lawson/Fenshaw.

  • He Said, She Said

    There are two sides to every story. There is what he said and what she said. Whether that is actually said or the things that they left unsaid. Just as long as they don't keep the important things left unsaid…

  • A Love Like Ours Never Dies

    A list of prompts regarding our favourite idiots. Some stay true to canon. Some do not. But all of them are completely Reddie.

  • For the Love of God, Please Don't Touch Him

    When Rachel sees Tess, she expects the worst. And the worse does come for her. But did it have to come for Eddie as well? How far is Rachel prepared to go to keep him safe?

  • A Midnight Kiss

    When Rachel is invited to Tom's for New Year's Eve, she only goes because Eddie is. Part of her didn't really think that it was appropriate. Even less so when she is told about the tradition.

  • A Lesson In Christmas

    Rachel was bored. Bored and irritated. By her sister. Who always reacted to the Christmas period in a different way than she did. And she knew that she was still off sick but there was no way that she could get through without work. And she knew that Eddie would be shocked to see her in but after begging him not to send her home, she had to give him some answers, didn't she?

  • Feels Like Forever

    With Fenshaw and the Mason twins now Lawsons, it would seem that the story is complete. Yet there is a twin trying to find her Lawson and the other trying to find his Fenshaw. How lucky will they be in love? Part five of Lawson/Fenshaw

  • The Adventure

    After hearing his parents falling out, Gorlois decides to run from Camelot for a bit. He hates it when his parents fight. However he gets a little lost. He meets old friends of his parents and find out things about his mother's past that he is sure his parents never wanted him finding out. Well he believes that his mother helped Camelot, not tried to destroy it. Story 4 of Changes.

  • Let's not go to Camelot, It is a silly place

    This is a set of stories that show any paring or character through a certain song. Choose a number between 1 and 236, a character and a paring and I will write a short fic on your choices. Do not own any of the lyrics or the title.

  • Saviour

    How did Morgana escape from the Sarrum? How did Mordred get so good with a sword and started to hide him magic? The gap between series 4 and 5. One shot. Warning: Mentions of torture and rape

  • Old Love?

    Gorlois is now 8, Clarine 7. The first trip they go on as a family is to King Olaf's kingdom, Powys on the border of Merica and Caerleon. Why is the Lady Vivian so … in love with Arthur? One shot. Story 3 of Changes.

  • The Fomorroh's Poison

    What happens if the Fomorroh had side effects that Gaius didn't know of? What if it had a poison which reacts to magic, powerful magic? What happens if they never leave their master, or in Merlin case mistress? Dark!Merlin

  • Roses

    Merlin and Morgana were lovers, they knew how thin the line was between love and hate. Morgan has always been fascinated by the Arthurian legend, but when two roses bring back memories, she has to find him. The one she loves. Reincarnation, Modern, slight AU. Song is Iris by Goo Goo Dolls. I own nothing. I edited the photo.