Maximum Nicole Nightshade

  • The Fairy Chronicles Book 1 Mermaid and Fairy Magic

    Zoey a normal girl finds a cave near her house and goes in and finds a pool and gets pushed in and then gets out. The next day she finds out she has all the forms of all magical creatures. She has to go to a magical world and go to a school named Silverlake. She finds some new friends, but some struggles she can't get away from. Like being a chyba, one of the most powerful creature

  • H2o just add Avatar

    Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar the Last Airbender or H2o just add water Katara goes to Austrailia for the summer and gets turned into a mermaid how is she going to hide her tail when she is a water bender

  • Annabeth's Wings

    Annabeth, Percy, Nico, and Thalia are kidnapped by the school right after Percy came back to camp and are put into the animal and avian experiment along with the flock. They escape with the flock and go to Camp Halfblood. Will they be able to keep their wings a secret or will they be revealed as monsters? What will happen when Max, Angel, Fang, and Nudge find out they're demigods?