Tyler Nator

  • Arc of Eternity

    After recovering his memories at the hands of Zone and Infinity, Tyler Nochi resolves to throw his life away, and succeeds. But a chance encounter with a mysterious redheaded man will take him far beyond the world he thought he knew, force him to confront the darkness in his heart, and help him realize that not everyone gets a second chance.

  • Tim Ihansha – Adventures at Hogwarts

    A Muggle teaching at Hogwarts? When the world of magic is threatened by Lord Voldemort, there is only one who can save the world – and it's not Harry Potter! Join Tim Ihansha – the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts, as he turns the world of magic upside down, and looks good while doing it.

  • Pains of Identity

    Six months on from the defeat of the Dark Signers, Satellite and New Domino City have become unified. And Tyler Nochi, thanks to the reappearance of an old friend, will struggle between choosing to be the person he wants to be, or the person that he's remembered as. But with a new threat looming on the horizon, Tyler soon finds his personal issues are the least of his worries.