
  • The Break-Up Song

    After Sleet and Dingo escape prison, announcing Sleet as the Emperor of Mobius, the Sonic Underground are torn in three directions. The places they held dear to them were under attack and, in the end, this only led them to anger, depression and words not meant. After an argument, they are each thrown into danger... alone. Will this be the end of Sonic Underground?

  • The Big Four: The Prophecy of the Sun

    Pitch Black has risen from the ashes yet again, just three years later. This time, he brings with him new allies stronger than what the Guardians can hold so far; and then the Man in the Moon brings forth a prophecy, and the four people that the Guardians need in order to stop Pitch and destroy the forces of evil for good. Jarida/Hiccunzel

  • Bringing Back Hope

    The one thing that Harry Potter had never thought about in his life was time travel. Especially his children, along with an assortment of their cousins, travelling back in time and walking into his life without any way of travelling back into the future. Of course, he also never expected them to fight for him, but hey, he wasn't complaining. Includes HP/GW RW/HG SB/HJ RL/NT pairs.

  • Stubborn

    "Daisy loved him unconditionally... even if he was being a prick. And Blane loved everything about her... even if she was quite bossy." A collection of one-shots written by yours truly surrounding Blane and Daisy. Blane/Daisy pairing, with a side of Rose/Blane/Daisy friendship.

  • The Four of Us

    "Rose Gupta's new team is unbearable, or so she thinks. When she collides with Carrie Stewart, Oscar Cole and Adara Smithson, the world is in for a shock - the world's villains won't know what hit them. The four develop a strong bond, saving the world one step at a time." AU. What I think series three would be like with another agent of my own creation. Oscar/OC