

  • Beautiful Darkness

    From the first second of her birth, she was surrounded by darkness. She was called to join the quest of 13 Dwarves on a dark night. They met for the first time during a meeting in the middle of the night. Yet, her darkness has something intriguing, something beautiful he can not and does not want to ignore. Kili/OC

  • Lionhearted

    "What prevents us' Oliver asked calmly. Calliope couldn't answer. They were best friends, they were there for each other, so what prevented them? She was Muggle-born. And during a war, being with a Muggle-born equaled with death.

  • Into the fire

    Twelve years after the First Wizarding War, Diane Walker, James Potter's first cousin and also a member of the Order, continues her life. Little does she know that Sirius's escape from Azkaban will start an avalanche that will connect her back to her beloved school, where she will meet Harry.

  • My life-line

    Newt hated this place; every second of every day in the Glade. After Thomas's arrival, though, one change follows the other; but two girls at the same time? 'Maybe it's time for things to change, Newt' Eve said determined. She becomes his friend…his guardian angel…his everything.

  • The lost she-wolf

    Being a bastard girl is never easy. Hated and despised by almost everyone, Deana Snow is strong enough to defend herself against the cruel world. But if anyone harms her family, then she can become fiercer than the fiercest direwolf.

  • Run, don't look back!

    When Eve is provoked by Gally, she sneaks into the maze a few minutes before sunset to look for clues herself. Newt, driven by his worry, follows her together with Thomas to help her. But a night in the maze is never an easy business.

  • The glue that fixed the rock

    It has been six years since Newt left after catching the Flare, yet Eve can't forget him. When she meets him again, will they manage to pick up the pieces or did their past break them too much? Modern AU, with my OC being the same with the one of my story "My life-line"

  • Continue to fight

    What happens when Pitts is summoned to Nolan's office after Neil's death, his thoughts afterwards and the promises he makes. In order to hold on in Welton, they have to continue to fight for everything they believe in. Two-shot

  • Like a Storm

    Relevant to my story "Lionhearted". The way Oliver sees Calliope and their relationship through the years in Hogwarts, until the moment they get together. Many times, nothing is what it seems. One-shot.

  • Phoenix Song

    Right after the Battle of Hogwarts, Seamus is thinking alone about everything that happened, mourning about the people he lost, until someone unexpected gives him courage.