
  • Kim Possible: In a tide of Total War

    The entire world have been quickly enveloped in World War Three. Global Justice is fighting for the US and it's Allies while WEE help Russia and their Allies. Kim has been forced underground and Shego's disappeared. Femslash. Don't like? Don't read! On Hiatus due to writers block on the subject! NOW ON HOLD, undergoing overhaul and rewrite

  • A Little Rescue Mission

    Kim was taken in the middle of the night. No-one knows by what or who, and Ron is unable to help his now ex-girlfriend due to an engagement at Yamanouchi. Only Shego can save the Teen Hero before it's to late. But why was she taken in the first place? KiGo Pairing. Don't Like? Don't Read! Please Read and Review!

  • Ahsoka Tano: Champion of the Force

    As Ahsoka travels to Shili on a transport from Coruscant, the ship is attacked by Zygerrians wishing to rebuild their Slave Empire. Now trapped, her fellow prisoners look to her, the Savior of Kiros to free them and stop the galactic turmoil that is to come. Rated T for now, possibility of raising it in the future but I doubt it. Please read and Review! NOW ON HOLD

  • The Revenge of Bellatrix Lestrange

    Hermione breaks up with Ron after the Battle of Hogwarts needing some space. When she goes beck with Ginny to take her NEWTs, attacks start occurring around the castle. They thought the Battle was the last of it, and the two girls must face a hidden enemy while juggling Quidditch, Homework and Studying. Will they also find love in the chaos? Femslash Hr/G Don't like? Don't read!