Darth Bubbles 16985214

  • The Merlin Conspiracy

    Harry, Ron and Hermione are struggling to cope after the Battle of Hogwarts. A chance encounter uncovers a conspiracy which shaped all of Wizarding Europe, and puts the Trio on the path to discover the truth about their world. Time Travel, Founders, canon Trio relationships

  • Hell Hath No Fury

    In one fateful night, Petunia Dursley lost everything. Watch as her hatred and grief consume her, drowning her in darkness, and scarring all those who surround her. Evil!Petunia Dark!Harry Creature!Petunia. Warning-This is not a nice story. It will contain blood, gore, cannibalism, murder, death of children, and the essence of true evil. This is not a happy story. Abandon All Hope.

  • Hallow Victory

    The War is over. But everyone has been damaged by it, Harry more than anyone else. They want to undo the damage, but something terrible happens, something which never should have happened in the first place. Dark!Harry kind of Angst!Harry but not really. MoD!Harry and Powerful!Harry GENFIC! Necromancy, dimensional magic, Dark!Hermione Dementors and more.

  • The Road to Hell

    They say the Road to Hell is paved with good intentions. Evil is as Evil does, and while I have sinned, I have redeemed myself a hundredfold. There was always more to the story. There was always a reason. Dumbledore Genfic, Timetravel, Redemption, Justification, Grey Dumbledore. Multiple Lords.

  • Blood Runes

    A young abused wizard, discovers the power that lies within blood, and begins to harness its power. Blood Magic Necromancer!Harry Soul Magic Dark!Harry Evil!Harry Powerful!Harry. Somewhat original concept.

  • The Meaning of Magic

    In which the universe is ending, time-travel actually makes sense, and we learn about every branch of possible magic ever. How about that originality? God!Harry, Dark!Harry TimeTravel!Harry NotsoTypical!Harry. Probable Necromancy and Blood Magic. And mind-bending dimensional magic. Likely GenFic. Master of Death. And immenent apocalypse.

  • Omniscience

    They say innocence is bliss. What is the opposite? Dark!Harry Powerful!Harry Squib!Harry Very much Legilimency. Just trying out a new plot, review if you want to see it continued.

  • A Necromantic Journey

    A thesis and discourse on Necromancy, the Nature of it, and some various theorys and ideas. Be warned of Dark, Evil, Black Magic. And some silly comments. Educational One-shot.

  • Lemondrops

    The assasination of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. Warning random graphic sorta crack fic