
  • Rather A Heartless King

    Short reflections upon Thranduil and the main events of his life - the death of his father, his becoming king of Mirkwood, the death of his wife, the birth of his son and his reaction to the situation with the dwarves. *one shot*

  • The Memoirs of a Queen and Concubine

    May, 1536. The trial and the execution of Queen Anne Boleyn. A look at the Queen's behavior, emotions and actions from her trial to her death. (Probably more historical fiction than The Tudors fanfiction, but demand that this fits into a category.)

  • I'll Keep You Like An Oath

    Thranduil's thoughts & feelings when he lays his eyes upon a blonde, young and dead elf who reminds him of his own son. (Scene from the BOTFA movie!) (Very short drabble)

  • Cheated and Charmed

    Three part series concerning how Thranduil met his wife, how he sent her away and how they came to have a child that helped bring about the end of all evil. Extends past LOTR and include Thranduil's journey to Valinor.