

  • apologizing

    sorry for puting zack's pony problome chapter 2 on this part of the mlp fanfic rating

  • zack's pony problome chapter 2

    he saw rainbow dash appeir and put a hoof on the screen leaving a trial of blood. zack was pretty freaked out so he decided to take a his dream he saw pinkie walk up to him and said in an angry voise"you killed rainbow now you have to do 3 things to do for me for me"zack tried to apologize but all he let out was a sqeal.pinkie asked angerly"whats wrong?MURDERER!"

  • my little portal science is magic the bad news

    airen woke up seeing twillite "oh hello twillite.how did you get here?" "i don't d also,who are you?" "oh.ok then." after that he heard doug calling for him "doug?" "who is doug?" twillite asked "just a scientist" doug saw airen "hey" doug said "come with me near the office." "whats going on?" airen asked "well...i have bad news" doug said "what?" "umm." doug sighed

  • my little portal science is magic the error

    it was a normal day in equestria laboratories working on glados was hard but was worth it.or so they ey started her up but she started ren and doctor whooves came in and saw ey decided to shut her down only for airen to get knocked out and put in a testing en the nurotoxin came,luckily doctor whooves had a hazard suit and escaped.

  • zack's pony problome chapter 1 srry i didnt finish it :P

    zack was a gamer and a he loved team fortress he founed out he can make a mod for team thought"i can make pony player modles"he went ahead.3 hours later,he played but a weird thing he killed scout aka rainbow dash.a text poped up and said,why, why did you kill me?i just wanted to be a part of the killed he saw rainbow dash appeir and put a hoof on the screen draging down leaving a