Crystal Volcheck

  • Operation: Heartstrings

    Rewrite of "Operation: Poisoned Heart" By not taking into consideration the devotion The Penguins had to each other as a team, Blowhole had set up his downfall. Now that devotion is tested as the 1st anniversary of Blowhole's defeat looms on the horizon and revenge is long overdue. Only no one could ever be prepared by what is about to unfold. Humanized AU!

  • Books and Lace

    Even though it's his birthday Dean wants to give his technically-not-boyfriend for legal reasons- boyfriend, Benny, a very special gift of his own. Of course, given that it's Dean's 18th birthday Benny doesn't mind that one bit.

  • (I Was Told) To Never Let You Go

    It had been three days since Dean had heard from Benny, not that he particularly wanted to, but it would have been nice to know that the older man stilled cared enough to see if he was okay after the fight they had gotten into. Their first fight actually and the fight that just might bring about the end of their relationship.

  • A Classic Monster

    A short Kico request I filled on tumblr a while back, it's Humanized, 2% angst and 98% fluff. Rico doesn't care for scary movies so it surprises Kowalski to see his partner watching one, then again there's something to be said about a classic monster.

  • Doubt

    Doubt- n. a feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction. Carlos/Cecil, Past Cecil/Earl

  • Someone I Could Save

    AU-Castiel, a guardian angel, watches, but never acts even as Dean, his charge, slowly loses everything; his mother, his father, the close bond he had with his younger brother, and any faith he had left. Then one night he sees Dean alone in the middle of nowhere, with a gun in one hand and a bottle of whiskey in the other, and decides that this is the one thing he cannot watch.

  • A Christmas Wish

    Set in the "Love At First Bite" verse but works as a stand alone- It's Dean and Benny's first Christmas together. And Dean wants to spend it with family, however, Sam has a different idea of who's family (guess he didn't listen to Bobby about family not ending in blood). So with Christmas just around the corner, Dean only has one thing on his wish list.

  • Something Wicked

    Dean Winchester is a young magic user who has the luck of literally running into his familiar, a mysterious man named Benny, in an alley one day. Of course, he also had the luck of bonding to a familiar that wants nothing to do with him, but maybe a trial run will prove to Benny that Dean isn't so bad. Written from a prompt given by tumblr user daniieal.

  • Bad Day, Fresh Start

    Benny comes home from work to find that Dean destroyed the kitchen in a fit of stress baking, but Dean's bad day only leads to a fresh start. -a follow-up piece to 'Traditions' that can stand alone-

  • Coming Undone

    Once topside Dean and Benny had found there were three things that could make Benny lose control and cause his second set of teeth to make an inopportune appearance. DeanBenny Week Day Three: Control

  • Traditions

    There are certain traditions that follow couples that stay the first night in their new house or apartment and Dean's been teasing Benny about one tradition in particular. However after a day of heavy lifting Dean isn't up to it, but thankfully neither is Benny. At least they did manage to follow the tradition of just ordering take-out for dinner. -Fluff with touches of smut-

  • Bruises (Pray to the Masochist)

    "The bruises, missing work, canceling plans, and the weird behavior." Sam's voice softened considerably, he looked at Dean with pity. "I don't care that you're gay, but I'm not going to sit back and watch my brother be in an abusive relationship." In which Dean has been keeping secrets, Sam makes assumptions, and misunderstandings almost get Castiel arrested.