Katana Black

  • So This Is Happening

    Angeal is dating Genesis, who's dating Sephiroth, who's dating Cloud, who's lusting after Zack, who's sexing Angeal. Zack's not entirely sure what's happening in their convoluted little pentagon anymore, but he's gonna have to figure it out FAST. WARNINGS: ASCGZ (order irrelevant), PWP, language, so much homosexuality Grindr looks straight by comparison (so don't like, don't read).

  • Your Friendly Neighborhood Vampire

    One tragic night turns into a lifetime of adventure for Genesis Rhapsodos and the local vampire on campus. Vincent Valentine should have known from the start that Genesis would be his undoing. Now, they're stuck with each other, come hell or high water...with hell being the more likely of the two. A Genesis/Vincent vampire slash fic. Violence and blood, detailed warnings inside.

  • Marbles

    If Dr. Hojo wanted him to act like he was insane, then by Gaia, he was going to give them insane. It would be fantastic. It would be godly. It would be, like, "Party up in Nibelheim. #jenova #milf #hometownswag #sailthecosmos". WARNINGS: OBSCENE language, suggested violence throughout. Lemon flavoured. Pure crack. Slightly OOC. Nibelheim incident with minor timeline alterations.