
  • Kin

    Companion story to Slayer. There have been whispers of Dragonkin for as long as the world has existed. But with Dragonkind so few it was written off as legend and eventually lost in time. But in truth Bard could not have been the first. This is the story of the only other remaining Kin. Stories of blood, fire, wings, curses, freedom, and loss.

  • And I Said Oh My What A Marvellous Tune

    AU. Virginia Potts is in a relationship and pregnant the day she starts working for Tony Stark. Both are broken and both and guarded and more lonely that they like to let on. They think it will be a simple job and both will move on eventually. Little do either of them know how wrong they are. Part One of the Methods Series.

  • Slayer

    There are legends that warn of those who slay a dragon. They warn to never let the blood touch you and to never stop the heart with one's own hand. Those who do are forever cursed and changed along with all of their line. It was not Thorin Oakenshield but Bard the Bowman who slayed Smaug the Defiler. And now as his veins glow and his blood burns he will have to face what lies ahead

  • Heartlines

    When she sets of to drag Billanna Baggins back home guided by a Ranger named Strider and armed only with her warg called Lady and her steel tipped umbrella the cold and guarded Lobelia Sackville-Baggins never thought she would enter a struggle to reclaim a kingdom. Nor did she think she would ever find her heartmate in the form of a dirty, unruly, and fearsome dwarf. AU

  • here I stand and here I'll stay

    As much as he may have tried to deny and bury and eradicate it the North will always remain a part of Jorah Mormont. And kneeling in front of the Red Wolf with Longclaw in his hand the time has come for him to finally remember the words of his House. It is time for him to come home. 2nd in the Frozen Saga.