
  • The Quote Project

    A collection of stand-alone one-shots that aren't connected in any way, but are all inspired by various quotes/sayings/proverbs. Rated T, just in case, but at times, the rating might push a little toward M. If that is the case, there will be trigger warnings in the notes, so make sure to read those.

  • Happy Valentine's Day, Felicity Smoak

    "Felicity spending the last hour and something of Valentine's in her apartment, dancing and singing and trying not to think of how alone she is. Then, there is a knock on her door." Olicity One-shot- obviously.

  • In The Blink of an Eye (Hear The Beat of My Heart)

    Post 5x08 "Coda". The group deals with the loss of Beth and Daryl is slowly distancing himself. Then one day, the strangest thing happens and his world is turned upside-down. [Coda fix-it fic. Bethyl slow burn. Rated M. Has been nominated for Moonshine Awards in a few categories, so thank you for that! :)]

  • People Like Us

    "Bellamy comes to terms with the feelings he might be having for Clarke." Post 2x01 but kind of a future fic at the same time, so it diverts from canon because I'm not sure what'll actually happen on the show. Mentions of panic attacks. Bellarke...obviously!

  • A Life Without You

    Alternative ending to Crumbled Papers: "Things don't always go as you hope, which Oliver and Felicity learn the hard way..." Set after Chapter 24 (Scars) of Crumbled Papers. I suggest you read that story first, if you haven't already! And I'm putting a warning up for MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH! Thank you for reading and supporting! )

  • Hunted

    "Supernatural hunter Oliver Queen's latest mission's name is Felicity Smoak; a new born hybrid who has gone rogue and left her master." (Full summary inside!) Rating might go up, depending on how brave I'm feeling. R&R. COMPLETELY AU Olicity slow burn! [Nominated for All-Time Favorite DC Fanfic in the Fanatic Fanfics Multifandom Awards 2016!]

  • The Hospital Wing

    a.k.a "The Five Times Bellamy Walks Away from Clarke While In The Hospital Wing and The One Time He Doesn't" Bellamy meets Clarke up on the Ark years before they meet again on Earth. There has always been something there, but he always ended up walking away from her, until one day. (slightly AU)

  • Alternate

    Oliver wakes up one morning and something very, very strange is going on. Confused about everything, he sets out on a journey to find out the truth but at the same time wonders if he really wants to know. Life is good, isn't it? So why should he mess with it? Sometimes, what one thinks they want, isn't what they really want... [I suck at summaries! R&R? :)]

  • Crumbled Papers

    "She was going to tell him. She was going to tell him, right now." Olicity, slightly AU! WARNING: This is firstly and foremost a sad and angsty fic, involving a terminal disease and lots of heartbreak. (You need to know this before you start reading, I suppose.) Reviews are gold! Rated T, just because.

  • The Best Surprise

    "He doesn't say it again until two years later, those three little words." - Post 2x23, future fic (you'll probably understand when you read it!), I'm kind of suckish at summaries, and I wasn't planning on posting this, but I just figured 'why not'. I hope you like it enough to leave a comment! ;)

  • Explosions (It Will Never Be The Same)

    One night changes everything for Oliver and Felicity. [AU, obviously, since I can't seem to write anything else! ;)]

  • Meant To Be: A Companion Piece

    A companion piece to my story Meant To Be, revolving Caroline's cousin Steffy and her yet unexplained bond with Damon Salvatore. If you haven't read MTB, this might not make any sense. Read the note inside and be kind with the reviews. [The first one-shot is Damon's POV of "The Bathroom Scene" in chapter 9 of MTB.] Rated T because I'm paranoid.

  • Tempus Fugit

    "Felicity makes a decision and gets inked, which shakes her relationship with Oliver and changes things." Rated T, because I'm paranoid. Not spell-checked 10,000 times, so you have been warned. Be nice and I hope you like it.

  • Unexpected Turn of Conversations

    "Roy is having trouble keeping secrets from Thea and when Oliver tries to give him advice, things take an unexpected turn when Roy assumes that Oliver has it easy." Spoilers for Arrow, up until 2x12! Underlying Olicity! ONE-SHOT!