

  • a connotation of infinity

    The door closes, and they are alone. The wind carries the scent of fall. Drabble- Kiki, Mitsuhide. Post-chapter 55.

  • Something Missing

    They went from being friends to lovers and back to friends again far too easily. Alex feels like there's something she missed. OneShot- Alex, Joel. Post-ep to 02x16 – Breathless.

  • Defeat the Dragons

    Fairy-tales don't go like this. OneShot- Natsume, Mikan. There is a story about a girl living by herself in a house in the forest.

  • Intelligent Design

    This is a conversation that never took place. OneShot- Alec, Kiera.

  • second line

    It is more her own resolve than their promise, actually, but when it comes down to it they love her. OneShot- Tsunade, Jiraiya, Orochimaru. Another life. (Established Orochimaru/Jiraiya)

  • because we're beyond words

    Because sometimes, you just have to go ahead and say it. OneShot- Misaki, Tsubasa. In which Tsubasa gets cursed and Misaki has mind-reader abilities and still punches him.

  • Backup Plan Hero

    It is not a good bye if you don't say it. OneShot- Kiera, Carlos. Carlos has the feeling that she is walking away from him once again, and this time she is not coming back. Based on s03ep12.

  • Glimpses of Eternity

    She knows she is beautiful. (Ino stopped believing in love a long time ago.) OneShot, Introspection- Ino, Shikamaru and the possibility of a but. Rated for angst and adult themes, non-explicit.

  • all the right things

    Why is doing them always so hard? OneShot- Joel, Alex, Charlie. Post 2x11.

  • Tria

    Nabi. The beginning of winter brings a stranger to their temple. OneShot- Myo-Un, Ryu-Sang, Ha-Rim. Change always comes unbidden.

  • Open Skies

    It's not yet summer, but it soon will be. TwoShot- Kiki, Mitsuhide. Twenty words – twenty drabbles.

  • Three Kinds

    One year ago, it was so clear. Carlos was her partner, Alec was her friend, and Kiera just wanted to go back home. OneShot- Kiera Cameron. Three kinds of emptiness. Post-ep to s03ep11.

  • Counting Heartbeats

    One moment can change everything. Hearts are such fragile things. OneShot- Alex, Joel, Charlie, Meggie. Post-ep to season two's finale.

  • Twin Suns

    The Sword of the Jedi is sent to hunt down Alema Rar. Jaina Solo never wanted to see Jagged Fel again. She also never wanted to get to know Tatooine – but Tatooine already knows her. Multi-chaptered- Jaina, Jag. AU.

  • appear nonthreatening

    …and be prepared to get yelled at. It's a father's privilege to threaten his baby daughter's boyfriends. OneShot- Ino, Shikamaru.

  • Twisted Geometry

    Imai Subaru is twelve when he realizes that he has no future. Of course, Sakurano Shuuichi always knew that. Subaru, Shuuichi. An unlikely friendship.

  • Absence Of

    Like she never was there in the first place. OneShot- Ino, Shikamaru. AU.

  • Fractality

    She may have been broken, but she never was a person who shied away from asking uncomfortable questions. Five times Kushina said what had to be said, and one time she didn't. Multi-chaptered story, complete in six parts. Kushina, Minato.

  • to us and those like us

    Sometimes, boxes are just boxes. Other things have to be said. OneShot- Kensi, Deeks. Post-ep for the season 5 finale.

  • White Lies

    She has based her decisions on what others needed for her entire life. OneShot- Teresa Lisbon. Introspection. Set during s06ep21 – Black Hearts.