
  • Fifty Shades Pregnant

    This story takes place just a few months into Ana's pregnancy with Teddy. Ana begins to have some complications with the pregnancy and she doesn't know why. Christian is his usually overprotective and controlling self, but even he is feeling the weight of the pregnancy. Can Ana and Christian overcome this obstacle and become one big happy family? Read & Review to find out!

  • Christmas Presents

    It's Christmas morning at the Grey house! Just a short one-shot about celebrating the holiday with Ana, Christian, and the two kids, Teddy and little Phoebe. All sweet and fun. Please comment/review!

  • Stormy Weather

    This is a short little one-shot that looks into the life of Christian and Ana and their little boy, Teddy. Teddy is afraid of thunderstorms and Christian and Ana play their roles as parents. All sweet. Comments and reviews would be much appreciated!

  • Once Upon a Time

    This takes place after the first book. Christian lets Ana go (for the time being). But the Ana that we all know and love takes a turn for the worst and she finds her life turning completely upside down. Will our Christian save the only girl that he's ever loved? Or will it be too late to save Ana? This is my first ever FanFic. Please, please comment/review!

  • Another World

    This is a story that takes place after Ana and Christian break up. Ana finds herself in an abusive relationship with another man and has nowhere to turn when things progressively become worse. Christian eventually finds out about Ana's troubles and tries to save her to the best of his ability. Will she let him? This is graphic and does contains abuse. All happy endings, I swear.

  • The High School Reunion

    Just a short little story about Ana and Christian going to Ana's ten year high school reunion. Ana gets the chance to show off her husband while Christian fights to keep all the boys away from his wife. Please, please REVIEW! I love reading your comments. :)

  • Sick Little Grey

    Just a cute little one shot about little Teddy grey getting sick. Christian and Ana step into the rescue and play the perfect parents.

  • Piano Fingers

    Short, fluffy story that takes place in the Grey house. Teddy shows some interest in one of Christian's many talents. Comments/Reviews are much appreciated. Enjoy :)

  • Surprise Meeting

    Ana and the kids surprise Christian during one of his meetings. Contains a lot of family fluff, which everybody loves. I love hearing what people have to say so PLEASE REVIEW! :)

  • Sick Days

    Just a short, little story about Ana coming home sick from work. Christian is worried and comes to the rescue to take care of his girl. Comments/reviews would be fantastic!

  • Grey Movie Night

    Another little fluffy story about our favorite family. It's movie time and Teddy and Phoebe can't seem to get along. Christian and Ana step in with their unique parenting skills. Please review and comment! I love hearing what people have to say!