
ad victoriam

  • Back Home With You

    Another one of the future children has appeared in the Shepherd's way, much to the surprise of many. Before they went through Naga's portal, the children promised they would never speak of each other's existence till they were found. Lon'qu just wished they would have given him at least a warning.

  • Slice of Happiness

    "This year. This year it was different. This time he wasn't just Basilio's champion. Now, he had a much greater role. He was now part of an army, an army full of other soldiers and companions. People whom even he would talk to. People who actually gave a damn about him. And of course, there was that accursed tactician..." One-shot

  • Paralogue 24: A Destiny Diverted

    The paralogue that should have been, but never was. Robin finds about her past and the memories that always were, but never there.

  • Flatmates

    Robin is in her final years of college when she decides to move out of her dorms. Sick of the same faces and the walls surrounding her, she moves into an apartment. And at first hand it seems like an ordinary living space for her to live...but she has yet to meet its residents. Modern Day! AU with Awakening characters. Open to prompts.

  • False Memories

    Morgan was liar from the very start. The gods were kind and merciful to him, for he did not deserve this second chance. He deserved to die. To be forgotten, to be left behind. The acts he had committed where unforgivable, yet he was deemed worthy of a second chance.

  • The Simpler Days

    All Robin wanted in life was to pass the calculus test, and maybe get a passing grade in Physical Education. Was that too much to ask? Series of one-shots detailing moments in the Shepherd's daily high school days set in an AU. Requests accepted.

  • Second Chance

    Chrom and Robin are faced with the hardest decision of their lives. With their loved ones gone and the world at the brink of destruction, what's the point of going on? Contains strong themes. One-shot.

  • Reverie

    Waking up with no memories can really affect a person, even an overly optimistic tactician. But as long as he had the people he loved, he knew he was going to be alright. Series of one-shots involving Morgan and his parents, Robin and Lon'qu. Slight Morgan/Noire...Now open to prompts!

  • Backup Dancer

    When the army loses its only dancer, what will they do? Is there no hope for them, or can someone rise to the challenge?

  • Delicious Thievery

    Robin wants to know everything she can to be a successful tactician. Strategies can't always be clear cut and precise, at times you must resort to misdirection and subterfuge. But the books can't teach it all, but a certain sugary thief can. An eventual F!Robin/Gaius fanfic

  • First Time Festivities

    Morgan can't seem to find anyone today. He looks high and low, but the castle seems to be a ghost town. Giving up on his search, he uses up his time to catch up on some reading. Little does he know that his friends and family are all preparing something quite special for him. But of course, not all things go as planned. A straight forward one shot for Morgan's special day.

  • A Mother's Request

    Morgan may not know his past, or who he really is, but he knows one thing is certain, his love for his mother. But are there limitations to what he would do for her? Or he is blinded by motherly love? Contains hints to major story plot.

  • Acceptance

    AU: Where Robin accepts the role she was destined for. The future is set back to its course. Spoilers up to Chapter 23.

  • Pay It Forward

    Robin knows the decision she must make. It's the right way, the only way. She knows what the cost of it is, and she's ready to pay the price. But someone else, still needs her. WARNING: CONTAINS MAJOR SPOILERS. DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVE NOT FINISHED ALL THE WAY UP TO THE ENDGAME.