Hellsgun EmmortalDead

  • Found Separated and Gone Again

    Jonah and Kathrine go into ancient Egypt and find King Tut and along the way run into the famous Time Wrap Trio team. But Tut has been missing for the last several years, is the reason because Jonah is actually the lost boy king himself?

  • The New Avatar of Pixie Hollow Quest

    Strange things are happening in Pixie Hollow, and now a new entrapment has predicament the fairies into something never thought could have ever happen. Rated t for later violence.

  • Green Vampaneze

    After his death and strange revival he would think that would be the end of his Vampire adventures but now Desmond Tiny is up to no good again and Darren has to fight not only the Vampaneze again but a new improve Green Cousin of the Vampires in the Vampaneze war is upon them

  • Skulduggery slash Valkyrie Songfic - Diary of Cain

    Valkyrie is missing and for once the skeleton detective is ... funny bone less? Pun intended. When chapter 4 goes up this is now rated M

  • Tribecka Songfic - Anybody

    Starring: Finbar Wrong, Ghastly Bespoke and Skulduggery Pleasant. These three awesome, cute, and devilishly handsome men regret the awful feelings of having to miss their favorite women.

  • Gordon Edgely Before Years One Shot

    A brief one shot of Gordon and Stephanie before book one. May or may not continue.

  • Ghastly Bespoke Songfic - How Do You Sleep

    Ghastly and Tanith