
  • Like the Sun

    After the death of her mother, a young English girl is invited to go and live with her God Mother, Tiffany Call and her son Embry. Tiffany and Embry try to make it as easy for Sully as they can; and introduce her to the tribe and pack. Just how well will she fit in? And what will happen when a certain hot headed wolf imprints on her?

  • Meeting the one

    Pre series : Queen Mother Eleanor and King Richard attend the Spring Festival at Locksley Manor, when Robin is sixteen; whilst there, a friend of Robin and Marian's catches King Richard's eye. Deciding to stay longer, King Richard sets out to court Matilda before leaving on his crusade, hoping that the two will be wed on his return. King Richard/OC, minor Robin/Marian

  • Bitch in Heat


  • Differences

    When his enchanted smith's hammer is stolen, an Orc goes on a rampage to get it back from a group of cultists. When he arrives at their hideout, they are trying to open a portal; He is able to retrieve his hammer but at the price of being pushed through to another world. Now the Orc must travel with a grey wizard, to find his way home. Sorry if the summary sucks!

  • Pandora's Box

    What happens when a young girl's boggart reveals a dark secret about her? And can her professor change her outlook on her life? Rated T for language

  • Before the Sun Sets

    As the ward of Nedd Stark, she joins her uncle and cousins down to Kings Landing and swears to keep Sansa safe when Nedd is arrested. As time passes and the realm gets ready for the wedding of the king, Shilo catches the eye of a certain prince of Dorne. Oberyn/OC (mild) oc/Jon

  • Demons

    Tonks and Jess have been the best of friends since their first train ride to Hogwarts. And now as they grow up, the fair are faced with dangers they could never imagine; the friends stick together and face facts that now as member of the Order of the Phoenix , they must fight to keep everyone and everything they've worked for safe.

  • The new little Malfoy

    A short story about Scorpius recieving his Hogwarts letter.

  • The Forgotten Remembered

    Two twins are about to start Hogwarts. they visit family for a few weeks every year in England. The twins having living in Greece, and were forgotten by many. But what happens when they are reconized for who thier parents are?

  • Sillouette Against the Harvest Moon

    Under Reconstruction

  • Obsession and Possesion

    He trusted her. She trusted him. He could change her, she wasn't cruel. Power thats what she needs. Thats what he said she needed. What happens when someone else has her attention. The dark lord has loved and has been loved. But he has sank to new lows.

  • A Freak Accident

    Poor Fallon has never known her real father and witnessed the death of her mother, and is brought up by her godfather. Attending Hogwarts, she isn't the typical student and seems to be friendly with almost anyone and everyone, including those of danger

  • Make it through the Storm

    When Petyr bring Sansa to her aunt, she doesn't expect to meet the daughter of Jon Arryn and Lysa Tully. Sansa learns that despite Hollisa's Tully looks she reminds Lysa of Jon Arryn, and this creates a wedge between mother and daughter. Sansa and Holly bond quickly and become friends, and Holly vows to protect her younger cousin.

  • Picking up the Peices

    Bill is caught by the police, Nancy didn't die from his attack. But Nancy doesn't feel safe in London anymore, being so close to Bill so decides to leave, she needs to get her life back on track and that means being as far away from Bill as she can get, so she travels to Milton for employment. Rating M for swearing, sexual and violent scenes.

  • Little Family

    Meg and John's family has grew, Now they have four children, and Meg thinks about how her life has changed

  • Till death do we not part

    -Oneshot- Molly and Arthur. Thier lives.