
general zero

  • Recruiting the Octopus

    "Everything is going smoothly. Rhino is a gun. Point it, and it shoots. All he needs is the proper motivation. What about the next project?" "Get me a genius, and then give him some claws. But make sure that he, too, is properly motivated." "Yes, Mr. Osborn."

  • --and Tomorrow?

    Seven of the miracles that help an emotionally-abused Harry Potter believe in the world and himself again. [SEQUEL to: This Is the Other Story]

  • This Is the Other Story

    This is the other abused!harry fic. The one where the Dursleys don't hit Harry or keep him in the cupboard. The one where Petunia tries to civilize the magic out of Harry. Where she tries to bribe it out of him with love. Where the Dursleys treat Harry just fine. (Not really.) [pyschological/verbal/emotional abuse and neglect]

  • The Avengers Save Christmas

    When a vengeful toy declares war on the North Pole, St. Nick recruits a team of extraordinary people to save Christmas: the technologically savvy Grinch, the highly volatile Jack Frost, a red-nosed reindeer from the turn of the century, and a pair of expert reconnaissance elves. Christmas AU that follows the movie's general plot. The idea is crack; the execution is serious.

  • Slytherin House and the Anti-Magic Conspiracy

    A muggle, a Dursely, a Death Eater's son, a Weasely, a Potter. A lot can change in nineteen years, and new problems threaten the wizarding world. Will the newest members of Slytherin House rise to the challenge? Next-Gen, no pairings.

  • Breaking Down Walls

    "They told me I could help win the war, destroy the sentinels, save millions of lives. They didn't tell me I'd have to work with the freaking mutants to do it." A mutant-hating human is recruited to smuggle human-hating Magneto through the dangerous world of DoFP. Both find out that the end of the world has a way of breaking down walls. Erik/Charles but not central.