

  • All This Time

    Whenever she invaded his thoughts, he couldn't think of anything else. He missed her that much. He had no clue how, after over a decade, she still had him in the palm of her hand. Why had he never been able to just move on?

  • Burning Desire

    After reading the latest issue of Cosmopolitan magazine, Aria gets a few new ideas for the bedroom. Rated M for a reason. One shot.

  • The Father Is the Best Part

    What if Spencer had named the actual Beach Hottie at Alison's second funeral? Alternate funeral scene to 3x18, Dead to Me. One Shot.

  • Goodbye, Ezra

    "Well, I guess this is goodbye, then," Ezra stated sullenly. He watched Aria's face slightly before recovering. Ezra wasn't planning to move, he was planning on giving Aria space and waiting for her to realize she wanted him back. However, that dreamy moment of realization seemed like it wouldn't happen anytime soon. A continuation of the 4x22 Ezria scene.

  • This Is Just History Repeating

    Years after Ezra's fallout on the A-Team, he is determined to win Aria back. But, once he does, what will happen when a new A comes around and threatens the already shaky relationship?

  • Suffer

    She was about to practically send Ezra to his death. But no, he was using her for years, making her believe that he actually loved her. Karma is a bitch, after all. One Shot inspired by the promos for 4x21.

  • The End of Youth

    She didn't deserve to get brutally murdered like she was, she didn't deserve to become another one of the unsolved homicides of Rosewood, and she didn't deserve anything she had gotten in the last few months of her life. One shot.

  • Can't Look at the Stars

    Ezra has died and Aria just doesn't know what to do with herself. She also doesn't know how to keep it together at his funeral. One Shot.

  • Nice Package

    Aria would make Ezra's heart melt before Frosty the Snowman got the chance. Ezria Christmas Smut. One shot.

  • The Way You Look Tonight

    Ezra might not be able to take Aria to prom, but that doesn't stop him from making Aria's prom night unforgettable. Fluffy Ezria Oneshot.

  • A New Kind of Family

    Aria and Spencer are ready for a baby, but they can't exactly make one. So what do they do? They get a sperm donor, of course! But, when the sperm donor is someone close to one of the girls, things get a little awkward. Sparia/Ezria Pairing.

  • I Long For Your Embrace

    They hadn't done this in a while and he had almost forgotten how much Aria could pleasure him. And he was beyond glad that he was currently getting a reminder. Ezria Smut Oneshot based off PLL100

  • Helpful Comfort

    Emily gets stuck in a rut and ends up calling Ezra for help. One shot.

  • What Happens in Atlantic City

    When the group gets a lead on A in Atlantic City, the girls travel to the fun city with their partners. Sure enough, chaos ensues.

  • Together

    A one shot based on the Ezria spoilers for the 100th episode. Rated M for a reason.

  • Unwanted Visitor

    Alison goes to Ezra's apartment to check in and make sure he won't tell the truth about New York. One shot based on the promo for 5x03.

  • Winter Blues

    Aria is sick and Ezra is the only person around to help her. Fluffy Ezria one shot.

  • Tomorrow Will Be Kinder

    Aria sighed heavily as she neared Ezra's hospital room. She prayed that he was awake because she desperately needed him right now. Even if they weren't together, she needed him to comfort her. Nobody knew her like he did and he always knew what to say. Based on the events of 5x01. Don't read if you haven't seen the episode. One shot.

  • Just Another Song

    Once Ezra gets out of the hospital, Aria and Ezra talk about what to do with their relationship and reflect on the past. One shot based on Lucy Hale's song.

  • That's Not Going to Fix This

    Ezra has a plan to win Aria back and it just might work. A hope for the 100th episode based off a spoiler quote. One Shot.