Reina Grayson

  • The Missing Ranger

    There's one thing Tommy's never talked about...at least to the Dino Thunder Rangers. What happens when this secret is revealed. Rating is temporary, will change should the story take on a life of it's own and grow beyond K plus

  • Revenge on the Kryptonians

    Title changed from Bane's Revenge. Luthor is using some old enemies to lure a certain alien hero into a trap, but will he get what he's always wanted, or will the Metropolis villain lose the battle once again.

  • The Terrible Twos

    What happens when a group of budding superheroes hit that awful stage called the TERRIBLE TWOS. Here's some instances of what goes on. #5 in second collab series with Mala

  • Grayson Meets McGinnis

    When Areina's 15, she wants to try public school after four years of homeschool. WHat happens when she meets her future friends and gets into trouble; can she and Terry McGinnis stop invaders to the school that want to kidnap her. Prequel to Batman's New Sidekick. Please stick to the numbers of the series. # 27 in collab series with Malaizjan Dejesus

  • Nightmares from the Past

    When a villain from Bruce's days as Batman...and a member of the Justice League comes back for revenge...Terry is on his own to figure out what's going on. Will he save his mentor in time...or lose him FOREVER.

  • A New Skill Surfaces

    Areina is having more nightmares after 6 years without them. Is this something she never knew, or something that could help in the upcoming war?

  • The Calm Before the Storm

    Serenity's brother is starting to lose his patience in taking down those that killed his wife. Will he show his TRUE face before he's ready to. Rated HIGH T as the content (to me and Mala does not reach M. If you feel it does, please let me know and I WILL up it.)

  • A History Lesson

    After Vincent's brush with Death at the hands of Fear Toxin, he's benched from missions. Will some files in Watchtower's computer reveal something that was never talked about around the second generation. What will three memebers of Delta Squad learn from this.

  • The Next Underwater Mission

    Orin'ahm and his twins take a trip to Atlantis while Areina is busy in GOtham. What happens when Orin and the twins are captured. Will Kaldur and Areina save them before anything happens? #6 in second collab series with Mala.

  • Family Love Can Be Stronger Than Revenge

    What happens to Damian when his Mother dies right before his eyes. Can Flamebird get him to see that Killing Deathstroke is NOT the way. Based on a Dream and is pretty much and alternate ending. OC present. rated T as not sure if it should be Rated M

  • The Next Generation Of the Team is Complete

    Little Rini has been born, and so has Wally and Artemis' girl, Iesha. It's Areina's time to have her twins...how will that go. Rated T for details of birthing process. If you feel it needs to be rated M, please let me know.

  • Brother My Brother

    Conner had difficulty with his donor in his first six months with the team, what happens when Superboy confronts Superman. Song Fic. No Lyrics, just inspired by a song.

  • Two Worlds Helping Each Other

    What happens to the Teen Titans when they are sucked from their dimension into another. Can they make friends with this new dimension's heroes or will they have to fight them. REPOST after 10 years.

  • Babysitting a Martian

    What happens when Areina has to babysit Wes Kent...will she be alright, or will something happen? Are Bruce and Jason Grayson going to be alright as well...

  • Areina's Big Day

    With everyone settled and her father brought back to her; Areina's ready to marry her soul mate. How will the day go, and will anything happen to ruin it? #34 in Collab Series

  • The Horrid Legacy Continues

    Areina Grayson knows about her family's history, but what happens when ONE legacy that comes with being a ward of Bruce Wayne's hit Areina head on... Rated T for language near the end.

  • Coming Home

    Eolus is a born Amazon, but his gender has always kept him from his race's island...will QUEEN Diana accept him now or does he have a battle ahead of him? #31 in Collab Series

  • Let It Go

    Meygan unleashed herself on the LOD and now she's in complete control but doesn't know the full extent of her powers, can she find her control by letting go? #30 of Collab series

  • Letters from the Other Side

    After the LOD is defeated, some heroes get letters from their deceased loved ones. What do these loved ones have to say, and who got letters. #29

  • Project Cyborg

    Mark Desmond is ready for his revenge on the three young heroes that saved 'the weapon' three years ago. What does the evil doctor have in mind for Robin, Kid Flash, and Aqualad. You'll have to read to find out. Rating may change later. True Chapter 2 now up. Title changed from The Change.