
  • cuddling on the couch

    a quick one shot with Emily and Damon having movie night with bad weather and a surprise

  • International love letters

    a series of letter written between Emily and Damon while Damon was on his European tour with green day nothing like the show Damon and Emily never broke up and Damon went to the meet and Emily went to the radio station

  • you are beatiful

    After reading a comment online Rachel doubts if she is beautiful until Finn tells her otherwise

  • there's a soulmate for everyone

    a two part story of Emily and Damon finding their soulmates which are each other. this story was inspired by the song Soulmate by Natasha Bedingfield

  • Terminal 6

    Finn was on break from rehearsals with his band he was in with Puck and Sam when he saws multiply messages about Rachel on his phone he knew something was wrong

  • everytime I want to leave I come back

    Emily told herself she would never step foot in boulder again after leaving to have her baby after her boyfriend left but after she got a phone call saying her brother Brian is dead she had to go back for the funeral

  • Perfect to me

    this one shot was inspired by the lyric "So what if I'm not your version of perfect" from the song Pretty Tragedy by Nikki Flores. After reading a comment online Emily doubts if she is beautiful

  • One year later -Glee

    a sequel to my story many glee wedding see what the couples are up to one year after their weddings-ON HIATUS

  • stories of their lives

    a series of one shots and drabbles about Emily and Damon

  • Casting lists

    the casting lists of different Broadway shows featuring the characters of Glee

  • deleted scenes from it all get better in time

    scenes/chapters that were cut from it all get better in time story i wrote . there are not order the chapters are basically a series of one shots outfits can be found on my polyvore page my username is ae-04

  • hopeful not the last goodbye

    Damon was on break from rehearsals when he saws multiply messages on his phone he knew something was wrong

  • A look into their lives

    a series of one shots and drabbles about Summer and Sasha

  • hunting for a surpise

    Emily with the help of Payson sets up a scavenger hunt for Damon

  • what is wrong?

    after Lauren sends Emily a picture of Damon with a fan Emily starts guessing herself on what type of girl Damon wants

  • Scavenger hunt for Finn

    Rachel and Quinn come up with a scavenger hunt for Finn with a surprise at the end from Rachel

  • Valentine

    since today is Valentine's day i decide to write a cute Emily and Damon story

  • Homecoming

    Emily waits at the airport to reunite with Damon who is in the Army coming home from overseas

  • Show Dance

    Puck and Rachel are staring in a Broadway play they are about to do a new act for the show it involves Rachel and Puck's amazing chemistry bad summary better story

  • I Just need you now

    a two part story inspired by the song need you now by Lady antebellum