Unknown Stranger Sees All

  • Memories of a Spirit

    A ROTBTD CROSSOVER! The guardians must go through Jack's memories when MIM thinks they don't know him well enough after a comment that went too far.

  • Reversed Roles

    What if Sam was the older brother instead? Over done and done before I know but I just can't help it. Rating for some language and some slightly intense mentions of how violent some past abuse was. Anyway, enjoy

  • Being Whole Again

    REVERSAL OF AGES, AU NO HUNTING. HOPE YOU ENJOY! First part of the BWA series.

  • It Does Have Its Perks

    J2 FIC! NO SAM AND DEAN! THIS IS JARED AND JENSEN. Jared hates when fight scenes go wrong, but they do have their perks.

  • Movie Night

    just a little one-shot I wrote in school. Sam comes home from a hunt, and lets just say he isn't exactly pleased, until the end of the day. summary isn't the best, but you guys get the just. AGE REVERSAL

  • Coming Hone to Stay

    An AU oneshot created in the spur of the moment. Enjoy.