The Dark Underlord

  • What If

    Author's Note – This 'story' is basically a collection of vignettes. Their length and depth will depend on the topic but I wouldn't expect any of them to exceed 10,000 words while most will be much shorter.

  • Harry Potter and the Tower of Darkness

    Voldemort kills Dumbledore during the events of OoTP and takes possession of the Elder Wand. The tide of the war shifts as a new Minister takes power and Harry's training to confront and defeat Voldemort begins. See Chapter 1 for a better summary.

  • Harry Potter and the Return to the Past

    After the battle over Little Whinging Harry is transported twenty years into the past. He will go to Hogwarts with his parents for their seventh year and learn the skills he needed to defeat Voldemort. See Chapter 1 for summary.