
  • I'm Not Giving Up On Him

    Spoilers for the new RotTMNT movie! "In his anguish, he realizes what he has to do." Michelangelo's thought process after Leo's sacrifice.

  • 100-Word Drabble: Ghosts

    "Five's alive" they tell him when he revives with a painful gasp that rattles his chest." Or: Klaus comes back to life in the original timeline.

  • 100-Word Drabble: Pride

    "America dragged the black face paint across his cheek. He'd never done this before, not for himself.""

  • 100-Word Drabble: Love Is

    "It is no surprise to either of them that they are drift compatible."

  • 100-Word Drabble: Blank

    "Tim blinked, disoriented. How had he gotten here? He glanced around. Broken bodies littered the ground. His bloody knuckles ached."

  • 100-Word Drabble: Overstimulated

    "He couldn't get the demon out." Set during and after Ray's possession.

  • 100-Word Drabble: Trauma

    "Maybe none of this was real, either." Peter 1 as narrator. Set during NWH.

  • Butterfly Effects

    In this world, Newt Drifts with a damaged Kaiju brain and gets information vital for understanding the enemy…But there are many, many worlds with many different timelines. These are the what-ifs.

  • When Hope Is Needed Most

    "Peter understood, now, that there would be no reasoning with the Old Man. He'd been foolish and naïve that the other man would listen. Peter knew he couldn't leave another Peter Parker alive; he'd just get back up and keep fighting. If Peter wanted to prove his place as the strongest Peter- If Peter wanted to have Gwen- /We need to kill him./" (Post NWH) (Peter 3 has Venom)

  • What Can I Do?

    Two Caitlin and Cisco friendship short stories written for the prompt 'what can I do' Ch. 1: "It took Caitlin an embarrassing amount of time to realize just what the implications of Cisco's powers were." Ch. 2: "Let it be known that Cisco Ramon hates Jay Garrick with a passion, and he doesn't hate people."

  • It Must Be Lonely

    An elderly woman gives Iceland some advice. (Another human-meets-their-nation story.)

  • Five Times Lithuania Had a Panic Attack

    Lithuania has a panic disorder. He battles panic attacks on his own throughout his existence.

  • My Brother's Light

    Darkness in and of itself is not evil, but what lies on either side of the line can cause the destruction of others or Kouichi. OR: Kouichi struggles to maintain balance with the darkness, lest he become evil or depressed. Kouji inadvertently helps him.