
  • First Day

    He couldn't wait to tell Mommy about his day at school.

  • The Walls Come Tumbling Down

    AU Cops& Robbers. Castle gets hurt during the explosion in the bank.

  • On the Flip Side

    AU Kate makes a visit to Castle's world.

  • Who Said Only Diamonds Were a Girl's Best Friend?

    4X13 AU where Royal chooses Kate. My entry for Castle Ficathon 2014.

  • Confined Innocence

    A tiger isn't what Castle and Beckett find behind the wall. "Cuffed" AU.

  • We Will Go A Hunting

    Easter fun with the Castle family.

  • Early Morning Entertainment

    Rick couldn't help but find the sight in front of him absolutely adorable. One-shot.

  • Believing

    She used to not believe in magic, but he changed all that. One-shot