

  • Three

    Miles celebrates Christmas for the first time since his childhood with Phoenix and a seven year old girl. [gift for magentasky234 / narumitsu discord secret santa 2021]

  • ZAP

    Brock is the number one Pokéshipper, and he hatches the master plan: Operation Pokéshipping to prove it. In which Brock is thoroughly bemused, Ash is confused, and Misty wants to kill somebody. Oh, and Tracey swears he's the better Pokéshipper.

  • i'm yours

    he was your first, and i intend to be your last. i will wait for however long it takes. drabble, mazume.

  • i can teach you how to braid

    It's an endless dance, but playing pretend isn't so bad sometimes. shizume.

  • that rose doesn't have to be dead

    never passionate, never sweet, but if it has to be anyone, at least it's you. [ikarishipping arrangedmarriage!au] smut.

  • a maladroit romance

    At twenty five years old, he is quite possibly in young, awkward love with his male rival and best friend. It had its advantages, he had to admit, with the lingering taste of wine on his lips.

  • Knights

    "This is it, boys, this is war - what are we waiting for?" — Four kids watch their lives escape them. Their path is paved for the heroes, but they wonder if this is really what they wanted. [pacificrim!AU.]

  • Cliché

    Lorcan Scamander - a rather shy and socially awkward boy - has a few encounters with social, quirky Lucy Weasley. Romance may be involved. Lucy sees the cliché already, and she hates it. - Lorcan/Lucy

  • He Isn't Good

    "How do you kill someone who isn't afraid of death?" — AU. In which Kiba is a mafia leader, and Ino fights back.

  • smear the lipstick this time

    Misty has had a problem lately. She's had these really, really vivid hallucinations about Ash. Oh, and they were in absolutely no way appropriate. It was... pretty bad. [pokeshipping smut.]

  • Red Paths May Be Worth It

    Life could come in many forms. Paul found one of them because of her. 'Worth' wasn't a question in that moment, when his mind was reeling with something that overpowered it. Ikarishipping.

  • A Different Kind of Movie Night

    Phoenix and Miles have been together for a while now, and thoughts of what happens in the bedroom are beginning to trouble Miles. He comes to terms with his demisexuality in the most awkward and entertaining of ways. Phoenix always gets a kick out of it, at least. [wrightworth; implied smut]

  • Fairytales By Us

    "The Cerulean City Gym presents: The Misty Mermaid!" And suddenly, everyone in the crowd knows that it's not Ariel that likes Prince Eric - it's Misty that likes Ash. [Poke/Contest/Ikari & more]

  • One Fake Date

    All Misty wanted to do was let Georgio down easy, without sounding absolutely pathetic at the same time. Of course, what better way was there than to pretend to date her long-time-no-see best friend and crush? The answer was many. Pokeshipping.

  • At The Beginning

    Ash had always liked Misty back in his own, oblivious way. — Pokeshipping.

  • it's not easy

    Simon just can't stop things from spiraling downhill, even when Athena's involved.

  • apple mint

    He really, really loves her. AU, where she really, really loves him for all the wrong reasons.

  • Perfume

    James doesn't know what to get Lily for her birthday. His mates aren't helping so much, either. He's ecstatic when he finds the answer and his presented with an absolute love-struck look from the girl of his dreams. — Lily, James /Dedicated to SpiritedWind/

  • And I Lost My Voice

    James lost his voice, his mind, and everything else. He wasn't even sure if he could find his voice again. — JamesLily. Dedicated to SpiritedWind.