
  • The Hawkfish

    S04E02: The Thirty-Fathom Grave. A look at two crewmen of USS Hawkfish (SS-714) on the night of August 8, 1942, and 19 years later, when their old shipmate Bell rejoins them.

  • Survival of the Fittest

    A small airliner carrying over a dozen boys from the Bunker Hill Military Academy goes down in the Pacific Ocean, leaving the cadets and a wounded adult to wash up on the shores of a nearby island. New discoveries soon see the boys who call themselves the Hunters becoming swifter and stronger by the day- and more willing to impose their will on the others. A battle is coming.

  • The War Is Really Over

    "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3". The younger brother of an Air Force 1A7X1- an Aerial Gunner- wrote this poem in the early days of World War III, from Whiteman AFB in Missouri after being evacuated from his home in Delaware.

  • Die Anderen

    What happened to the others after the end of the movie? Title means "The Others" in German.

  • That Others May Live

    Caught in the middle of the shooting at Tielson High School on May 1st, 2001, a friend of Andre and Cal's struggles to get out of the library alive, yet doesn't leave when he gets his chance. He goes back.