
  • Totally Random Without a Reason: 2014

    You probably have read TRWaR in 2013 which I deleted some time ago but have you read about insanity TRWaR style this year? Probably no. So, Riga is back with more INSANE PILLS, BUDDER, PINK, GLITTER AND T-REXES. Sorry if I mentioned anyone without permission cuz it's supposed to be a surprise. You can tell me to take it down if you don't like it though.

  • Shadow Bane Academy

    Everyone in this school is secretly a mythical creature. A really special examination is coming up just before summer solstice. Well, everything seems normal. But when one of your friends is plotting something like a war between the humans and the mythical creatures? Definitely not cool. (OCs needed, rated T for language and future battles, AU)

  • Ruining dinner with insanity

    For GryffynGirl's contest. This author is too lazy to type up summary for this. But, R&R or she will make your life worse! *prepares magical keyboard just in case you didn't*

  • Riga's Mother visiting her fandom? Not good

    Happy Mother's Day! Though it's not too good with Riga. Her mother demanded her to visit Riga's RIDICULOUS FANDOM OF AWESOMENESS for once. As she met the MFB crew and OCs, she caused troubles and...DECIDED GINGKA TO BE RIGA'S FIANCÉ? This is not good...

  • Price of Immortality

    5 teens were given the chance to be immortal. Just one deal with the mysterious boy and they're the strongest being in Mirage System, the concealed neighbour of the Solar System. Should they or shouldn't they? Most of all, everything comes with a price. Are they blessed or cursed? OCs decided!

  • Time Shadow (rewritten)

    Do you think you can control time? It takes more than you think. Controlling was bad enough but I tried interfering with it. Now, I'll have to face consequences. All because of me, using that power for fun and trying to make a better future. I'm Kimiko Yamisaki, the time traveller, the one who lead the gang into another battle against the new evil force. (Hiatus)