
  • Come Hell or High Water

    "Look at me, hey, c'mon." she cupped Albert's wet cheek in her hand. "I promise you that we'll see him again, and he'll be alive and kicking, aye? Joey's too stubborn to give up. Even if you go to war too, I'm sure you'll see him at some point, and you'll come home riding him. We'll be fine, we'll be together again, huh? We'll see him again, come hell or high water." Albie/OC.

  • Here For The Long Haul

    "You think you're ill-prepared for what's to come? Have you stopped to think about the consequences that your actions might have? People you love might die, you could die. Are you ready to face the music once the shit hits the fan and everything starts to crumble down around you!" He said threateningly. I turned around to face Pierce. "Are you?" EVENTUAL Bucky/OC and AU after TWS.