DJ Vivian

  • The Strength of Love

    Harry wakes up in the middle of the night by old habits of insomnia, he ends up learning more things about his wife, Ginny.

  • Seeker and Snitch

    After deciding to accept Voldemort's proposed deal in the Forbidden Forest, Harry finds himself face to face with the human version of his first Golden Snitch. Through her finding the strength to do what must be done.

  • A Journey to Destiny

    Serena Temple always had a deep love for the magical creatures in the Wizarding World. One night, a mysterious suitcase and man claiming to be her mentor, Newt Scamander appeared in her room. He has a quest for her, one that could cement everything that she had dreamed of and more.

  • Beyond The Surface

    Harry Potter is given a lesson about looking beyond what can be seen and finds something so much more.

  • True Intentions Of The Heart

    After being attacked by Dementors, Harry becomes blind and Draco Malfoy decides to do a Soul-Binding charm to save Ginny Weasley. However, Draco didn't plan on one side effect of the charm...Him becoming a girl. Can he and Hermione find a way to reverse the affects or is Cypria destined to be a girl forever and will Harry discover the reason behind the iron clad choice?

  • Skin Deep

    AU Year Five: Harry spent the summer after his fourth year having disturbing dreams of Cedric Diggory's death and of a unknown corridor. But after an attack on him and his cousin Dudley by Dementors, Harry loses his sight. He meets a girl named Ella who is in a wheelchair during his stay in St. Mungo's. What secrets does she hide? Can she help him 'see' without his eyes?

  • A New Hope On Life

    Casper saves Kat Harvey's father and gets a brief chance of being alive. But the next morning, Casper isn't anywhere to be found and in Kat's school there is a new boy that she swears that she has seen before. Has Casper's efforts been reward for a new lease on life? *One shot.*

  • Our Mythos Uncovered

    Part II/Sequel: We have all wondered how the Doctor chooses his companions. Why is he drawn only to certain individuals? How, exactly, does the Doctor find them, regardless of where they are at in life? Are they perhaps their own special race, meant to play foil and equal for him, in a way that nobody else can?

  • Breaking Barriers

    Harry learned a valuable lesson of what makes someone strong and why what is beneath someone's appearances is far more important.