
  • Um compromisso quase impossível

    Yuzu depara-se com um grande problema perante Mei... como irá ela resolver tudo... será que ela irá conseguir?

  • Me and you, we are together forever

    A little story about Yuzu and Mei normal problems... Now Mei will have to deal whit the childish Yuzu and Yuzu will have to deal whit the forcing Mei.

  • Love On Top

    This is a fanfiction of about 20 chapters where every 1/2 chapter/s consist of a different story. This will involve Romance, Drama, Angst and probably Comedy too, I don't know, I am not very good with the last one. In the first 4 chapters there will be quite a few grammar mistakes, but I eventually improved, still, I'm sorry, english isn't my native language. Meizu Fanfiction.

  • Amor sem limites - Yuzu POV

    Neste pequeno one-shot as nossas duas raparigas vão ter uma PEQUENISSIMA confusão, nada de especial mesmo... o básico para a sua relação xD... Guys, I will translate this one-shot to english, so don't worry )