
  • From Pole to Pole

    More than seventy years passed from the day they met to the day they married. Double drabbles about Kanna and Pakku.

  • Prank Gone Wrong

    It started as a way to teach Severus Snape a lesson about poking his nose into other people's business.

  • Coming Home

    When Sirius Black is released from Azkaban, he finds himself facing a dilemma. Spend months trapped in St. Mungo's until the Healers are sure he's ready to take care of himself, or go to live with his grandfather.

  • Six Sortings

    1971. Glimpses into the mind and methods of the Sorting Hat.

  • Interested Parties

    When Peter Pettigrew was found and Sirius Black came to trial, there were a number of people with vested interest in the outcome.

  • Percy's Boyfriend

    In which Fred and George notice that their older brother is sharing a bed with some bloke named Peter Pettigrew.