
  • The Unwilling Worshipper

    There was some kind of unspoken agreement : One did not simply touch or speak to Harry Potter. And Hermione was just fine with it, she could not understand why everybody was so obsessed with him in the first place.

  • The Resurrection Stone

    The Deathly Hallows only met their full power when they were absorbed into the pure body of a wizard. The Resurrection Stone never chose a body to live into, never...until Hermione Granger.

  • Side Effects

    Caution : Too much use of time turners can cause dizziness, fever, nausea, headache and amnesia. If following symptoms occured, consult a time specialist, and avoid forming any passionate feelings and strong wishes in the depth of your heart or the spirit inhabiting the time-turner may very well grant them.

  • Black Out

    Un prisonnier évadé. Une sirène. Un enfant abandonné. Qui aurait pu penser que la rencontre entre ces trois être allait changer à jamais le destin du monde magique et ramener aux sangs-purs leur gloire perdue ? Harry Potter adopté par Sirius Black et une étrange créature devient Altair Sirius Black, miracle pour la presque éteinte famille Black et étrange héros du monde sorcier.

  • Pitch Black

    An escaped prisonner. A mermaid. A wounded boy. Who would have thought that together they would cause the revival of the Black House and the greatest commotion the wizarding world had ever known ? Injected with mermaid's and Black's blood Harry Potter became Altair Sirius Black, a prince to the Black and the key to the Pureblood's lost glory.