

  • Dragnet 2060 Olympics

    This is a sequal to Dragnet 2058. Friday and Gannon are working security at the Olympics.

  • The Contract

    In a dystopian future a young woman named Liz signs a contract. In exchange for a quarter of a million dollars, in one year she'll be killed and her organs taken. All perfectly legal in a libertarian dystopia.

  • Lucy's bedtime story

    Takes place during the time that Lucy was with Victoria Belfrey. Her version of the tragedy of Rumplestiltskin.

  • The gathering

    This is how I think "Endgame" should have gone. My way to resolve everything, and answer certain questions. What exactly created the immortals? Why can't they kill on holy ground? My theories on these questions.

  • Dragnet 2058

    My prediction for how law enforcement might be in the future.

  • The endless summer

    Marissa thought that suicide would end all of her pain, but no such luck. She has to witness, over and over again, the pain she's caused to those she loved. Rated M for suicide.

  • Gladiators season 1

    Imagine a dystopian future where 16 criminals are forced to fight each other to the death. At least the state classifies them as criminals, but are they all dangerous criminals? And who will win the grand prize of ten million dollars and a full pardon? Who would you root for?

  • The lost halliwell

    A demon has been quietly gathering power for a long time. Only one witch has the power to defeat him, Prudence Halliwell's secret child. The demon seeks to make her his queen, or eliminate this threat to his power. Takes place after the end of the series, AU from the graphic novels. We begin during the wake from "Still charmed and kicking."

  • Tuvok's fateful decision

    Set after the series finale. Tuvok is forced to answer for one of his actions from his time undercover with the Maquis. Also features a cameo of captain Picard.

  • Murder on Voyager

    When a former Maquis crew member is suddenly killed Tuvok must investigate the possibility that someone on Voyager is a murderer. Set two years after they learn of the Maquis' defeat.

  • World War A

    My name is Sarah Rosenberg. I was 15 when the aliens first invaded Earth, 16 when I enlisted in the army to fight them. By my 21st birthday the two sides had made peace and I was the mother of a half human half alien child. This is my story.

  • Grafitt part 2

    This is a sequal to the classic story "Grafitt" better known as "Remember Pearl Harbor." My theory on who actually commited the acts of vandalism.

  • Attack on Capitol

    When terrorists attack the United States Capitol, it's up to Jack Bauer to stop them.

  • AU season 7

    An alternate season 7. Ignore everything after season 6. Set two years after season 6.

  • Charlotte's choice

    My theory to how season 3 will end. Yes I'm aware my last theory/story was incorrect. Enjoy

  • Slouching towards bethlehem

    AU. Same basic concept, but with completely different character and timeline. I'm warning you now it's going to be very long, and get progressively darker over time.

  • Remember when things were simple?

    My thoughts on how the show became darker and more complex over time.

  • Felicity's plea

    Alternate version of the final conversation between Oliver and Felicity in "The Climb." As Oliver goes to his likely death, Felicity has perhaps one way to save her true love. One shot.

  • Laurel and Felicity: hostages

    Set during the season finale. A brief conversation between Laurel and Felicity while they're Slade's hostages.

  • Nate and Ribera

    Takes place during "San Lorenzo job" after they've taken down president Ribera. Just a short discussion between Nate and Ribera. Ribera warns Nate of power's corrupting influence. Enjoy.