

  • What Everyone Was Thinking (TMI Movie)

    Basically the movie in a way that depicts what everyone who had read the books was thinking while watching the movie based on the book, based on the movie :) Have I confused anyone yet? Rated T mostly cause I'm just paranoid now, so yeah... Just read and you"ll understand :) where's my manners? Please read and understand :)

  • Turning Tides

    Jace Herondale is a new student, and for once in his life is struggling to fit in. His life goes from simple to complicated, to even more complicated as one particular feisty red-head and her troubling boyfriend become involved. OOC and all human. Rated M for some adult/dark themes and very mild coarse language :)

  • The Boredom Games

    See the inner workings off the New York Institute once the Dark War is over and what Jace, Clary, Isabelle, Alec, Simon and Magnus do to pass the time. Witness as our heroes face their greatest challenge yet: boredom. Who will crack under the pressure, who will go mad and who has what it takes to survive the wrath of free time! Cheesy, I know, but hey, just read it ;)

  • The Power of Life and Death

    (Warning: First Fanfic. aka, go easy on me :/) This is a story based on the Pokemon X and Y games from Serena's point of view. Serena is about to embark on an adventure with some new friends. What she doesn't know, is that she is bound with an ancient evil by a past of blood, and this evil won't let Serena slip through its clutches again. Rated M for possible strong violence