Lonely Theurgist

  • Klara Alkaev

    China wonders what the strange paper Russia treats so very gently is. (A very angsty Russia and OC fic...no pairings.)

  • Loneliness

    Im Hyung Soo was often very lonely. Especially at night when he was plagued with memories of his younger brother. (North Korea [OC] drabble)

  • The Boyfriend Talk

    Apollo and Hades attempt to talk to their sons about the little crushes they've developed. Keyword: Attempt. Will/Nico.

  • He's Crying?

    After Francis's parents die in a car accident he and his adoptive brother Matthew move in with Arthur and his family. But one day when Arthur decides to walk into Francis's room to yell at him ... he discovers something a bit more. FRUK. ONE SHOT!

  • Perfection

    Alec thinks he's ordinary. Magnus knows he's so much more. {100% Malec fluff}

  • PanLix Oneshots

    Just a collection of all the Panlix oneshots I plan on writing. From angst to fluff to humor I'm going to try to cover as much of it as I can. Thanks to everyone who decides to read this.

  • Descent into Insanity

    Lenora NightMask is an outcast even by Necromancer terms. She never speaks to anyone and is more often than not lost in study doing all she can to become the strongest wizard in the Spiral. But after declining an very dangerous offer Lenora is sucked into an odd group called "The Saviors of the Spiral" and is forced to assist them in stopping the evil taking Wizard City.

  • The Story of Evil

    The Story of Evil songs retold in the Spiral. Rated T for Character Death.

  • Mostly, Completely Broken

    "Alexander Lightwood's funeral was surprisingly fast..." Rated T for major character death

  • Don't Jump

    Alec Lightwood is about to jump off the top of an apartment building when a strange boy stops him. Written extremely quickly. Rated T for attempted suicide. Human AU (maybe OOC and sort of Malec)

  • A Short Walk

    Gen would probably always be a bit of a mystery to Guren. (Hinted Guren/Beni and one sided Gen/Guren)

  • Homecoming

    2 years after he left Unova N makes the painful decision to return home...and Black couldn't be happier. If only everyone else was just as happy to hear the ex prince of Team Plasma is back. (Isshushipping with some GreySkyShipping) Multi Chapter

  • Thoughts

    Angel is one of the few Armada members capable of having his own thoughts and emotions. He doesn't know why, he doesn't know how, all he knows he has them. After escaping to Skull Island thought...Angel learns that there may be more to his mind than just some sort of accident in the factories. But the only one with the true answer is the Armada Leader, Kane.

  • Silver's Fear

    When the power goes out, Silver is struggling to hide his fear of the dark from his boyfriend. Preciousmetalshipping.

  • My Precious Brother

    Will and Lucian have avoided each other since Will resurfaced 4 years after being kidnapped by the Masked Man. But Will is going to visit Lucian causing Lucian to get...maybe a tiny bit nervous. No pairings.

  • Apples

    Falkner brings Morty an apple everyday for a year. Morty can't figure out why but he doesn't exactly mind. Honorshipping. Elementary/Normal AU

  • Ho-oh

    After Gold catches Ho-oh Morty is crushed and becomes depressed. But Falkner has a plan...get Ho-oh to come meet Morty...he only hopes his plan will work. Honorshipping

  • The Ferriswheel

    Exactly a year after N left Unova, White rides the ferriswheel and thinks about what she has lost. Ferriswheelshipping.

  • Silver's Crush

    A very quick Preciousmetalshipping story I did due to sudden inspiration. Silver has a crush on Gold and thinks Gold doesn't return the feelings but during a romance movie the truth is revealed.

  • The Dark Dream

    Mom...Dad...Abra...Where are you...?