
  • Dora the Dumb Explorer Episode 3

    Dora thinks the apocalypse is coming and she won't be able to fulfill her dreams, so she sets off to try and stop the end. WARNING: not for muscleless wimps. Please read and review!

  • Harry Potter and the Stone

    Harry comes across a stone. Nothing ensues.

  • Just Another Day

    Garfield is forced to have a playdate with Nermal. Who will survive? Rated "T" for future chapters.

  • Sonic College

    My follow-up to the so bad it's good Sonic High School

  • Bob the Couch Potato

    Bob the Builder refuses to fix it, which results in very dire consequences. Please review!

  • Dipper Goes to Taco Bell (reupload)

    Dipper has a craving for Mexican food, so he goes to Taco Bell while Mabel and Grunkle Stan go to the diner. But what happens at Taco Bell that day is unthinkable. Rated for one swearword.

  • K-Word Kyle

    "Don't you say it!" warned Kyle. "Oh, okay, I won't say it," Cartman lied, suddenly gaining a cheeky anime smiley face. "Really?" Kyle gasped. "You won't?" Kyle became so overwhelmed with emotion that he ran up to Cartman hugging and kissing him, tears dripping down his cheeks. "Oh, thank you, thanks so much, Cartman!" But during their embrace, Cartman took a deep breath, aaannd...

  • BarneyObsession

    While waiting for the kids they're supposed to babysit that afternoon to arrive, Sam and Cat stumble upon the purple dinosaur. What happens next will be unpredictable. Plays like an episode of the TV show.