Yume Sekaii

  • Masked

    Whenever he saw Meta Knight's mask his heart would freeze. A story for the two. NEED HELP, somebody help me to get inspiration for Remake. If interested PM me thank you.

  • Mother: Red Version

    All he wanted to do was be strong. All he wanted was to fight alongside his friends. He thought pills and music would cure that but they only increased the stress and the guilt. Trapped into his own mind, he's forced to go on another adventure to free himself of his mind. But, what's the point of waking up if all you are is weak in the end?

  • Smashing Story of Praise

    A psycho maniac, a cheerful naive girl, a loyal dog to the throne, an ill fated prince. The story has began, the war has marked the end. All the Crystal Gems want to do is help, all the Soluna Four want to do is see the eventual destruction of mankind. An SYOC (Submit Your Own Character) story

  • My Rope Snake Don't!

    A battle... with three Meta Knights on the Halberd. His only hope? Popo singing Anaconda obnoxiously loud. Congrats to Smash 4 Tribute!

  • Complecatrix

    Based off the Incredible Crew skit: Jigglypuff wants to play a game with her friends. They all regret their decision.

  • Fire Bound

    After getting hit with Ness's baseball, Marth wakes up in an unfamiliar room with people insisting that he's the smart brave kid of the town he doesn't even know. Now, his only means of escape are to living the game of Earthbound in Ness's shoes and destroying Giygas while reuniting with other Smashers trapped in this world. Will he suceed or will he never see another Brawl again?

  • Smash View

    Ike hosts a new Talk Show about the Smash Universe and interviews his fellow Smashers, asking for their opinion on a plethora of new reveals as time goes on. Fire Emblem fans beware. Want to be interviewed by Ike? Message me and be featured as a Smasher in a chapter! Vote on my poll on my profile page!

  • To You: A Thousand Years Melody

    One day, they find him outside their home. A younger version of a villain who will never die and memories that were supposed to be forgotten.

  • Bus Ride

    Villager is overwhelmed by his sudden invite into Smash Bros but the bus ride there was even more overwhelming. Villager x Mega Man Somebody please write me some Villager x Mega Man or at least Villager x Wii Fit Trainer

  • Baseball and Bubblegum

    A story about a certain young boy's life changes forever when his little brother finds an abandoned animal that they never seen before on the street. AU Try to take a guess at who is who and if you're right you get a cookie

  • Lost and Found

    Lucas loves Red and Red love Lucas. In the end, Lucas still remains scared to tell him the truth even after what Red told him. Marth and Ness decide to help. Red (Pokemon Trainer) x Lucas Fluff minor Marth x Ike

  • To be a Little Boy

    When Robin finally gets the nerve to confess his feelings to Shulk, Shulk reveals a dark secret... he's a little boy lover! With that being said, Robin gets jealous and decided to transform himself into a little boy, only to transform almost all the Smashers into cute little boys! Now he must change them all back or suffer the wrath of the Little Boy Lovers Brigade!

  • Ness' Telepathy Assist

    Ness uses 'Telepathy' while in a battle only to realize that he can have telepathic conversations with his friends while battling. Watch as they give him various information on the fighters both history and battle wise! Along with them however, comes a plethora of others who want in on the conversation, whether it be Waluigi, Doc Louis, Riki, and more!

  • Master Hand's Storybook

    When the children find a dusty storybook in the library they all decide to read it. There was no cover and no author, only words and pictures. Together they read the story which surprised them all.

  • Your Silence Goes Unnoticed

    Among the beautiful flower beds and butterflies Villager needs someone to hold on to. Mega Man x Villager Let's see if anybody can interpret the story.

  • Why Don't You Talk?

    He kept staring at him, as if he was going to say something, but turned away. Meh... One-Shot Little Mac x Shulk (LOL not really)

  • For Every Single Kiss

    They were broken. They were the suckers who had to do the dirty work. Love is a luxury, one that they can't have. Lucas/Red, Shulk/Robin, Samus/Little Mac

  • Fire Emblem: Reality Enabled

    You're a tactician named Perry. You're traveling the country to hone your skills when you run into a axe crazy woman. That's when your story begins.

  • Imperfect World

    Happiness is all that should matter in love. Things like gender have no meaning in a perfect society. Red x Lucas A fic for my birthday.

  • I Thought This Was a Study Date!

    Konekomaru thought that his first date with Yukio would be a study date. Looks likes he packed up his books for nothing. Yukio x Konekomaru