

  • One I Intend To Keep

    Long ago, two enemy kingdoms where looking for a way to bring about a truce between them. A number of letters were sent out over the course of a year, discussing multiple ways the truce could be created, though neither king could agree.

  • Unexpected Gift

    "What's up Samsquach? Not enjoying the party?" the voice was followed with a small chuckle.

  • You don't love me

    6 months this had been happening, and Hiccup saw Tooth every other day.

  • I'm sorry

    It was a routine trip. A quick in, grab and out. But plans never work like that way do they? Warning Major character death

  • Castiel couldn' remember, but he did know

    He didn't remember being put in the ambulance, but he did remember waking up halfway there and the paramedic demanding he stop moving, because he was lucky to have even been alive.

  • Kevin should have known better

    Kevin should have known in all the years that his and Eddy's rivalry had lasted, was that the dork wouldn't have called him unless it was something serious. Major character death, Implied car crash.

  • Silver

    What punishment does Alfred get after he misses Arthur's important Piano performance. Vampire!AlfredxHuman!Arthur