
  • Second Chance

    New Year's a time for second chances. A Rose/Scorpius drabble

  • The Duck Pond

    A love story in seven parts: MollyWeasleyiii/AliceLongbottomii. Femslash

  • What Makes Heroic Strife Famed Afar?

    When Fabian Prewett fell in love with Marlene McKinnon- the actual moment, mind, long before he realised, before he even thought about putting the feeling into words- it was summertime. He was seventeen years old and standing right next to her.

  • Swim Until You Can't See Land

    Seamus Finnegan from the battle of Hogwarts to it's 25th anniversary. Seamus Finnegan/Lavender Brown & Seamus Finnegan/OFC

  • Christmas Eve

    "The thing is, Gee… I think I've fallen in love with you." JamesII/OC

  • Of Life and Death

    A drabble for every year of Marlene McKinnon's life.

  • Godric's Hollow

    Harry and Hermione weren't the only ones who ever visited the grave of Lily and James Potter.

  • Perfect

    Because she's nineteen, pregnant and scared out of her mind. Lily/James.

  • Children of 1980

    These are the children that have no choice but to be born into war and to have nothing but war in their futures.

  • Ever After

    The 'Ever After' doesn't exist. Regulus/Oc

  • Black and White

    Because the world will never be black and white, seven colours, seven deaths. Lily Evans, Dorcas Meadows, Hestia Jones, Edgar Bones, Marlene McKinnon, Alastor Moody & Sirius Black

  • Not Quite a Midnight Kiss

    She accepted his outstretched arm, laughing as he pulled her into a dance, twirling and waltzing around the room like it's still the last few minutes of 1979, like there still young and in love and nothings going to break them apart. Sirius/Hestia.

  • Her boys

    Jean Granger reflects on Hermione's boys - You always thought that it would be Harry she fell for. Ron/Hermione as a Secret Santa Present for Chasing Sunlight

  • Second Best

    She's your best friend and that's supposed to work, isn't it? Friends always fall for each other on screen or in songs, kissing in the rain, or the sun, or the snow and walking off into the sunset together. Urequited Louis/oc

  • All Those Years Ago

    Jean Granger met Lily Evans only one time. It wasn't a big, flashy or showy event; in fact it took place in a park, in early October '79, just after Hermione had been born.

  • Family Ties

    A series of stories about the different relationships within the Weasley family, chapter 1 - Of purple hair and Aeroplanes won first place in the Forgotten family ties competition on HPFC

  • GrownUps

    When she was thirteen she thought that being grown-up would be the best thing in the world. Lily Evans and the Concept of being grown-up

  • From Teddy Remus Lupin, Aged Six and a Half

    Dear Dad, My teacher told me that I had to write a letter to a person who was far away and I chose you because you're very far away even if Uncle Harry says that 'the ones who love us never really leave us'...

  • Friendly Competition

    During the battle of Hogwarts Charlie and Ginny end up fighting side by side, for my Dear professor McGonagalls Sibling Rivalry Competition on HPFC

  • Photographs

    Neville decides to remind hogwarts what they're fighting for...Harry's parents old school friends get an owl from Hagrid looking for photo's. Oneshots set around the theme of photographs, all cannon, please r&r