
  • The Boy Who Can't Change Everything

    Tom Riddle and Harry Potter were raised as brothers. Not because of some sort of brilliant and compassionate plan from Harry. It's because everything else failed. Just like he'll fail trying to make Tom a better person... He didn't know it yet, but when he realizes, he'll be too deep inside Tom's webs to escape.

  • Changing The World (Always Starts with Ourselves)

    Ten-year-old Severus Snape finds by accident his mother's old trunks from her Hogwarts years. With no lost love for his parents and with a wand, books and an isolated life, he spends his days practicing charms and spells that can give him comfort, changing the way he lives and enjoy his life. Watch him grow up into a different person, but still killing people with his snarky mouth.

  • Sour Sugar

    Dobby is a wizard with elvish creature inheritance, but he's a slave. His kind is enslaved to be house elves by purebloods of the wizarding world in europe for centuries with no mercy. Master Lucius Malfoy makes him do a horrible thing to a boy, his mate, Severus Snape. They bond and in result they change the future of the world. SLASH.

  • Vanishing Expectations

    Harry learns wish magic when young and all the cards of the game are changed as he gains much more power than any of the players had anticipated. Whether you like it or not, depends in which side of the war you are in.

  • Por Nossos Filhos, Pais e Amores

    A luta pelo controle de Beacon Hills entre Alfas e betas já tinha feito tantas vitimas que era quase impossível contabilizar. Após um longo e conturbado ano tentando se recuperar da perda da sua família, Derek conseguiu reencontrar a felicidade ao lado de Stiles, o seu amigo de infância. E tudo parecia que iria melhorar... Até que ele viu sua vida voltar a desmoronar mais uma vez.

  • Shaving

    Stiles tenta barbear Derek com uma navalha. PWP

  • O Mais Perto do Sol

    Derek, o segundo filho de Talia, considerado o guerreiro mais valente da sua tribo, assumiu a liderança dos guerreiros para a conquista de um novo território. Dentro da sua tribo, ele é conhecido como um homem corajoso e justo. Para Stiles, porém, ele é apenas o homem que atacou a sua tribo e conquistou a sangue o território que foi passado a seu pai por justiça.