

  • Lost and Found

    Lamont gasps awake and his head jerks upright. It takes a minute for his eyes to adjust to his surroundings, and even then it isn't much. A darkened room, walls completely covered with white tiles except for the heavy steel door. There's something around his throat, tight, heavy and solid, only just allowing him to breathe. A collar? ... What the hell?

  • What's Left of Us

    John Anderton is missing, and Danny Witwer is the only one left who cares enough to look.

  • The Right Sort

    (The Hunt for Red October 1990) ' "I didn't hate your book, Ryan." "Glad to hear it. It took a lot of work." "I didn't agree with your opinion, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy your writing. Perhaps your man was foolish," he continues, staring out at the dark water. "But so was I. Men do foolish things when they have nothing left to lose." '

  • Slow

    It's been a few years since Hunley joined the IMF as its new secretary, and some things never changed, namely being called out of his bed very late at night or very early in the morning because someone in the CIA wanted to yell at his agents... Ethan has been on this particular mission on his own, something that is definitely out of the ordinary. (gift for Simplecoffee on AO3)

  • Resolutions

    With everything else that had been going on, it had been easy to just stick to the brief, civil exchanges in the corridors and not have the hard conversation Hunley knows they have to have eventually... He organises a meeting with Hunt for the next day, and wonders what in the hell he's going to say. (originally a gift for simplecoffee on ao3)

  • Unforeseen Circumstances

    He remembers an article he read, years ago, about a guy who died on the MTA in LA, it had taken six hours for anyone to notice. How long would it take in Moscow? (originally a gift for simplecoffee for Darkest Night Exchange 2019 on AO3)

  • Reasons to Live

    Sherlock and Lestrade are on the first case they've been on together without John in years when their suspect pulls a gun... {between Sign of Three and His Last Vow} [one-shot for now]

  • Memories

    Particularly brief one-shot on Remus Lupin's reaction to meeting Harry on the Hogwarts Express. (Set during Prisoner of Azkaban)

  • On The Knees of the Gods

    Jim Moriarty is enjoying his retirement when Sherlock Holmes reappears in his life in the worst possible way. Now the world's only Consulting Criminal is back with a vengeance and he needs a new lieutenant. After what John Watson had been through, how could he refuse? [Dark!John] (Pre-series 3/set during series 2 hiatus)

  • Through The Veil

    It's 2015, twenty years since Sirius Black fell through the Veil in the Death Chamber in the Ministry. Thats enough time for anyone to be dead. Or, the one where Sirius comes back to life in the modern era without any attempt at explanation. (Fluffy one-shot, rating for language)

  • Subjugation

    Loki arrives on Midgard, but not in the place he was aiming for... (one-shot, probably) [title likely to change]

  • Death and The Doctor

    'Death stared at the hourglass that had just materialised on his desk. It had a total of twelve bulbs (so far) and appeared to be forming another one. BLOODY TIME LORDS.' (sort of spoilers for Time Of The Doctor) [one-shot]