
  • Hogwarts Military Academy

    After the Tri-Wizard Tournament, Dumbledore makes different choices. All in the interest of not repeating the horror of the last war with Voldemort and the Death Eaters Benevolent/Powerful Dumbledore, Harry/Luna, Ron/Hermione.

  • A Good Deal

    An AU of "Not Fade Away" Fred and Wesley sometime after the big battle. The gang is back together. There is a crucial secret that almost no one knows.

  • A Little More Time

    An AU of "Forget Me Not" Slade finds a way to save his sister Shara, and recover his brother Saber in the process. But his sister is still dying and the war is far from over.

  • Genesis 2:24

    During the Season 6 Episode "Huang Wu" Gemma threatens Tara. Tara becomes more selfish. Leading to her trying to save just herself. She becomes resigned to losing her family to Gemma. She tells Jax. He has something to say about that. Tara is still his wife. An AU fix-it for the tragedy at the end of Season 6.

  • Getting Through

    What can a snap decision mean? How would it affect everyone? An AU of Wild at Heart.

  • Long Night, The End

    AU post-Passion. After Buffy's death during "The Gift" Giles receives an expected visitor. His choices will lead to major changes.

  • Only Two

    An AU of "Passion" Giles stared at Jenny in shock "You're really alive? You were dead when last I saw you."

  • Talking in the Diner

    Giles and Ms. Calendar end their day. Based on the wonderful universe created in the story "Orpheus" by Elizabeth5.