
  • Beautiful Dancer

    Beautiful Dancer AU: Fitz is Hip Hop and Jemma's Jazz. Skye she's… No one, well not yet she isn't. Skye knows Jemma from school and has a massive crush on her, so in the hopes of spending time with her Skye enrolls at the SDA. Jemma may specialize in Jazz but she's skilled in all areas so she gets the title All Star and teaches quite a few classes.

  • Step Into My World

    Late Bloomer AU: Creating your own vampire is a coming of age event for every Born Vampire, which is why Jemma's best friend—Fitz, a vampire bitten by her cousin Grant doesn't understand why Jemma is beating around the bush about it.

  • We All Wear The Crowns

    Bo and Dyson married for two years have just moved into a new neighborhood. Dyson's a nurse, Bo works as a secretary at a local spa. Bo and Dyson's neighbor Tamsin is always coming over when Bo isn't around to drop off all sorts of pastries. Bo is suspicious that Tamsin and Dyson are having an affair. One day Tamsin comes and Bo is the one to answer the door.

  • Disasterology

    Agent Hadley feels like she lost everything. Now she's being forced to crack down on the activities of everyone's favorite sunshine gang. Brief BoLo, but there will be a Valkubus end game and Kenzi/OC.

  • Playing The Field (Unaligned) LG World but Teen Wolf Characters

    Allison's moving from The US to Canada to be with her half brother, Stiles and their dad. Problem is they're fae an ageless species of creatures with all sorts of powers and Allison's only human.With her dad being The Ash aka a leader of the Light Fae and her brother being light as well is Allison's going to align herself with them or will she test the water over on the dark side?

  • McKenzie's ClubhouseNew Digs

    Tamsin and Bo/Kenzi and Sparks decide to have a movie night. It's fluff. Valkubus and Kenzi with a female OC. Kenzi and Sparks move into a place of their own...