
  • Le Dernier Secret

    Troisième partie et fin de la trilogie des Cicatrices. Fait directement suite aux Cicatrices du Temps et l'Armée de l'Ombre. Le cours de la guerre s'accélère, les alliances se forment et se déforment et derrière chaque visage pourrait se cacher un espion.

  • Mind Wipe

    The woman was born in a world of velvety white. Her world was a finite thing. Four walls of padded fabric that was oh so soft under her fingertips, a cold hard floor and a ceiling too high to touch. It was silent in her world. (hayffie, effie centric, canon divergence)

  • Have A Drink Sweetheart 2

    Collection of unrelated hayffie prompts and os. Continuation of Have A Drink Sweetheart.

  • Bleeding Colors

    He painfully decodes his soulmate's name, hidden behind two Seam's shacks so his mother doesn't catch him. He's not sure he's allowed to read it at all, to know why it's so bad. hayffie/soulmate au

  • Katniss, The Vampire Slayer

    "Into each generation a slayer is born." Haymitch mocked. "One girl in all the world. Ain't I just lucky it had to be you." / Buffy AU - no knowledge of the show necessary / Everlark / Hayffie

  • Operation Grinch

    Effie's eyebrows shot up. She took another sip of her festive latte. "You found me a perfect partner?" "Even better." Portia beamed. "I found you the worst partner possible." modern au/Hayffie

  • Becoming Friends

    "Friends." She let the word roll on her tongue. She didn't have many of those.

  • Drunken Mishap

    "Don't you think you had enough?" The irony wasn't lost on him, she usually was the one asking that very question. / Tumblr prompt for a cheeky tipsy Effie. Effie/Haymitch

  • Must Be Something In the Water

    "Awhile back, there was some sort of pox epidemic that killed a bunch of them and left a lot more infertile. New breeding stock. That's how they see us." (Dalton in Mockingjay). To what extent is that true? What steps are put in place to make sure fertility rates go up rather than down? And how does that affect people living in Thirteen?

  • Have a Drink, Sweetheart

    Collection of tumblr hayffie prompts that I was asked for. You can leave me one at ellanainthetardis

  • Survivor doesn't mean loner

    Sometimes, he thinks, looking at her is like looking into the blazing sun. It leaves you blind, a little out of breath, and desperately wishing you could see past the inferno to the core within. - Missing scene from Catching Fire after the interviews and before the arena. Haymitch/Effie

  • En Souvenir Des Roses

    Ne meurs pas pour moi. Jamais. Pourquoi ce serment stupide lui revint-il en mémoire, à ce moment là ? Les serments chuchotés au milieu de la nuit n'avait que la valeur que l'on leur accordait. (très sombre et violent par endroits, âmes sensibles, s'abstenir). Draco/Hermione, Harry/Ginny

  • Les Cicatrices du Temps

    1975 n'est pas une bonne année pour le monde sorcier. Ni pour Severus. Replongé dans ce passé oppressant,confronté à son double trop curieux, à une guerre qui fait rage, protéger Harry Potter prend un tout nouveau sens. VOYAGE DANS LE TEMPS. NO SLASH

  • L'Armée de l'Ombre

    Parallèle aux "Cicatrices du Temps". Voldemort profite de la disparition d'Harry pour gagner en puissance. Ombrage, elle, tyrannise Poudlard. L'un comme l'autre doivent être arrêtés. D'étranges alliances vont naître. Remus/Tonks, Draco/Hermione.

  • A Man's Shadow

    Réponse au défi du CPAF : "Faites le portrait détaillé d'un personnage".

  • Olivia

    "Tu n'es pas obligé d'y aller." offrit Ginny pour ce qui devait bien être la cinquantième fois depuis qu'il avait reçu la lettre de Dudley. Harry poussa un soupir, serra les doigts fins qui enlaçaient les siens, mais ne ralentit pas le pas.

  • Folie A Deux

    Dix ans après la guerre, rien n'avait véritablement changé. Les gens murmuraient toujours sur son passage avec ce mélange de déférence, de respect et de crainte auxquels il avait fini par s'habituer. / Harry centric. Past hinny. Léger Drarry.

  • Invictus

    "So then, before I can even think about doing something stupid like trying to stab him with his fucking paperknife, he gives me a choice, see?Either I play nice like all the other victors or he will kill my family. I could either become his puppet – greatest punishment he could give me, according to him – or I could become the example." AU in which Haymitch's family lives. Hayffie

  • Le Cortège des Faibles

    Ses doigts s'enhardirent, le rythme s'accéléra, elle rejouait des accords qu'elle avait cru oubliés, se déjouant des difficultés techniques. Si la musique mettait l'âme à nue alors la sienne ressemblait aux notes disjointes d'un piano désaccordé : elle était fêlée, dissonante, démente.

  • Running From Snow

    At twenty-four, eight years after he won the Second Quarter Quell, Haymitch lives a quiet solitary life in District Twelve. His days are all the same : waking up nursing a hangover, getting steadily drunker, trying to forget... His days are all the same until the morning he finds a mysterious Capitol girl in his bed. Then he finds out it may be time to start running again.